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Little Jeongin
Caregiver changbin

There will be a lot of spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes

Jeongin is a fox hybrid. (Artic fox to be specific) he is a shy and was found by a elderly couple and brought in. He's been in the shelter for years. He is one of the favorites but has never been adopted since he is a fox and people Belice he would be vicious.

He is the complete opposite. Friendly, super kind, loves to help out, but really shy.

Changbin has veen walking near this shelter at the same time every day just to see this adorable hybrid. He loves his fluffy ears and cute eyes. One day he finally decided it was the day to actually go see the cute fox boy in person face to face.

Walking to the shelter was nerve racking there were so many cages but most of them were open as the hybrid were slowed to roam around and didn't have to stay locked up. The cages were pretty big they had hood beds, food, toys.

Changbin was looking for the fox but couldn't spot him thinking he got adopted me went to the lady in the front with a name tag playing with a lot of hybrids. Hello? Ma'am." The lady looked at him smiling "yes hi? Do you need help finding something?" Changbin smiled nodding. The lady stood leading him to the front desk. "Are you looking for someone specific?" "Yes do y'all still have a boy, fox hybrid." The lady nodded opening the door so he could be led to the back "most of the foxes are kept in the back, they don't like being with all the other animals TAHT much." Changbin nodded seeing all the different hybrid. Some were aslee others were playing. "Over here we have deemed foxes, these are mostly playful but can get aggressive if they sent any danger, we have a few cape foxes over here, we early have any as they are not found here, usually they are abandoned or taken foxes found. We have red foxes and silver foxes right here they stay together. So are these any that you are willing to take home today?" Changbin was confused he saw the strict fox just the other day, it couldn't have got gotten adopt. "Oh I'm i was actually wondering do y'all have a artic fox, I see it all the time." The lady looked at him in surprise "no one ever wants that one, but yes he is one of our shyest and most valuable pets, we keep him in the staff room. I'll go get him for you."

Changbin stands at the front seat waiting for the lady to get back. "Here he is, he is a bit shy so it might take a while for him to get used to you, he also doesn't like big crowds, social anxiety is the main reason he stays in here. Would you like to adopt him?"
Changbin nodes "ok let me go get the paperwork.


After everything was done changbin was able to take him home. He was told the hybrid was very shy but he definitely wasn't shy around him.

The second the hybrid for in his new home he explored on his own and found his new favorite place to lay, changbin a bed. He didn't care much but he was confused about the 'shy' fox.

"Your not very shy are you?" Changbin was confused "no I am it's just i would see you the same time everyday walking looking at me and you seemed so friendly I wanted to meet you." The boy giggled surprising changbin. Well now you do don't you" changbin lived the fox already.

"I will always love you and never loose you" the fox giggled loving how much his owner loved him.

"Let's get some rest okay?" The fox jumped on bed cuddling up on his side almost automatically calling asleep.

What cute foxie boy.

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