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Little/sickie Chan, Jeongin, felix
Mama jisung pappa hyunjin

•Chan-4 Jeongin-2 felix-1

"Mama!! Wan play' wif lixie" Jeongin a very energetic little came in the room pulling on jisung a pants wanting to play with his brother.

Jisung looked down and gave him a sad smile

"Buba lixie is unwell why don't you go play with Channie?" The little stopped his small foot looking like he was about to throw a tantrum

"Channie no wan' plwy wif me!" Jisung gave a weird look.

The boys always acted like real brothers and always love to play

"I jus wan lixie mama.." whining got louder Ed and started to agitate the boy in the arms.

"Baby please.. I need to care for you brother buba"

Clearly not wanting to hear that threw himself down on his bottom.

Thankfully hyunjin walked in the room quickly putting the bags on the table.

"What's going on?" Hyunjin have a stern look clearly not happy with the boy having a tantrum.

"I wan lixie!" Jisung sighed still rocking the boy tumryong to sooth him

Sighing, hyunjin sat down next to the boy

"Lixie isn't well innie, he is unable to play with you right now or you will be unwell too."

Jeongin just cried more reaching for his brother

"If you hang out in here you will get sick baby.. we all know you hate that so let's go." Grabbing the boys arm he lead him out the room

"Do you want to lay down lixie?"

The boy just looked up with glassy eyes, not really being a talker while sick

"Let's rest." Bringing the boy up the stairs, he headed to the room.

"Mama" felix cried out wiggling

"It's okay baby" whining is all the boy could do

Since the boy was still in comfy clothes, jisung placed the boy in the crib.

Walking over to give him his pacifier and blanket.

"Rest up baby"

Jisung pov

The house seemed quiet.

Too quiet for a Saturday morning.

You could hear the whining from Jeongin.

That's when he realized he hasn't seen or heard Chan all day.

Rather quickly heading over to the youngest of the threes room.

"Chan.?" He looked to be sleeping so I sat on his bed to slowly wake him.

"Pappa?" Surprisingly he didn't seem to asleep.

"Baby why are you still in bed?" The little whined

"Is so cold pappa.. why is it so cold?" it was actually quite warm.

"yourcold baby? you feel warm" worried that chan might have also got sick, i put my hand on head sighing when he felt hot to the touch.

"are you sleepy baby?" ne nodded sadly with a sharp cough after, i picked him up making sure to grab his blanket keeping it around his waist.

i decided to bring him to sleep with lix so i jeongin hopefully wont catch the bug.

i opened the door slowly not to scare the little that was peacefully asleep in the crib.

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