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caregiver seungmin

babyspace (sick) felix

Everyone knew seungmin has been very busy with his work and voice recordings. Seungmin has to leae early in the morning and get home late, therefor he doesn't have much free time. everyone respects this because they know how important this is to the group. every since this started felix would stay in bed and would only come out if it was work related. everyone knows how much felix loves his cargiver but felix doesn't want to accept the fact and his caregiver cant spend time with him. 

it was about 5 in the morning with felix woke up crying loudly alerting the leader. chan ran into his room and picked up the crying little. he bounced him while walking around the house but he wouldn't stop crying. 

the crying eventually made the others wake up and made their way to the room the noise was from. everyone changed turns trying to stop the crying but it wouldn't work. they tried giving the little his paci, it ddint work then they tried to feed him but he would but cry harder when he mentioned food. "baby please tell us what's the matter." Jeongin felt so bad that he couldn't do anything. 

20 minutes later. 

felix finally stopped crying but he wouldn't talk he would just stare at everyone with large eyes. "whast wrong bubs" jisung tries to get him to talk." jisung got scared when felix eyes tear up. "h-hwrt" everyone started to freak out when Felix said he hurts, what hurts? "baby what hurts whats w-wrong? Felix had tears going down his face while holding his tummy "aw baby your tummy" you want some food now? 'nwoo! wan' dada!" hyunjin picked up and dialed Seungmin. 

"hello hyunjin? what's up"

"are you busy Minnie"

"i actually finished early i was about to come home"

"please be quick"


"i think felix is sick"

'on my way." hyunjin hung up and turned to felix. Changbin noticed felix looked plate and like he was about to puke. he ran to the kitchen for a bowl while everyone looked confused. he put it under felix mouth and he got sick in the bowl. jisung rubbed his back while chan went into the drawer and grabbed his pacy and stuffy and gave it for him. 

time skip

seungmin ran into the dorm looking for the little "hey.." hyunjin said 'hey where felix/" he went to sleep jeongin, he got sick a couple times and kept crying for you so jeongin cuddled him to sleep.  'poor baby, how did he get sick?" hyunjin ddint know know either. he couldn't have eaten anything bad because he barely came out his room. "maybe he felt sick because you havent spent time with him. you know how he gets." seungmin nodded and sighed. 

seungmin walked to were he was sleeping and saw jeongin was awake rubbing the littles back. he went over to felix and picked him up. "hey baby you feel icky?" felix looked at him and nodded then relaxed on his shoulder. "lets get you cleaned up baby" seungmin took felix to the bathroom and placed him on the toilet while he ran the water. after it was done and warm he placed felix in. since felix stomach was hurting he made sure to be careful. after he washed him he wrapped him a towel. felix grabbed Seungmin hand's while holding his mouth. seungmin held him to the toilet while he emptied his stomach again. "its ok baby your okay you can do this bub" felix finished and started crying because he hated the feeling. '

"lets get you some medicine and sleep ok?" felix nodded and almost fell asleep on his shoulder. seungmin figured he hadn't ate yet so washed some blueberry for him to eat. "here eat this baby." he starred at him confused making grabby hands. Seungmin was confused why he wouldnt eat so he picked him up and tried to feed him the berries. Felix shook his head and whined. 'why wont you eat baby" felix was playing with his smooth hair. "hes probably slipped smaller" jisung said coming into the room. he took out some bananas and blended them with ice and milk. he put it in a  sippy cup and gave it to felix. "your welcome minnie" seungmin nodded and grabbed the medicine and walked to his room. "here baby take this." felix drank the medicine and gaged at the gross taste. 

felix finished his drink and was hugging Seungmin. "baby go to sleep and when you wake up ill be here i promise baby." felix kissed my cheek and cuddled up against Seungmin. "night bubs" seungmin kissed his forehead. "lixie loves dada." Seungmin smiled happily "love you too sunshine" seungmin said before they went to sleep. lino and hyunjin pocked their head in seeing the two cutely sleeping.

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