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Little Jeongin
Caregiver changbin

"Hey baby I have to go get my phone from the studio I'll be right back." The little sat on the bed with his pacifier bobbing in his mouth and clutching his blanket tightly.

"I'll ask hyunjin if he wants to take seungmin in here and hang out but I will only be gone for 10 minutes.. see you later bubs." Jeongin Made grabby hands indicating he wanted a hug before he was left alone with his friend.

Hyunjin walked in the room right before changbin was sable to leave. "Hey can min come in here? He's whining." Changbin turned around to the voice. "Hey but can you watch innie for like ten minutes? I forgot my phone and I need to go get it." Changbin stood up going get a jacket and his shoes. "Yeah just don't take too long." Chsngbin smiled patting hyunjins back while walking out quickly.

Hyunjin smiled at the precious innocent looking boy. Jeongin noticed and looking at him with big doe eyes.

"Hold on cutie, I'm going to go get seungmin for you." Since hyunjin lived in the other dorm he had to be quickly, not wanting the youngest to be left alone for too I long.

Jeongin got off the bed and waddle over to his toys. He started to pick out some building blocks and stuffed animals him and seungmin could play with.

Once he took over thing out, he had put it on his blanket. Everything was when he heard a loud noise. He stood up freezing hoping it wasn't whta he thought it was. When he heard the second noise he whimpered going back into bed cuddling himself into a a ball.

He wished hyunjin would come back quickly. The thunder kept getting louder and most often. He heard the door open but couldn't even loop up, he just kept whining and whimpering cowardly.

Hyunjin didn't notice anything until seungmin said something

"Dada? Why is innie crwing?" Hyunjin looked down at the Poe boy instantly going to hold him. "Innie hon? What's wrong?" The thunder struck again and Jeongin started to shake.

Hyunjin must have not noticed it was thundering while getting seungmin. "Minnie baby come here and hold innie for me." Seungmin jumped in the bed going to cuddle his little friend.

Seungmin mumbled words into his friends ear trying to make him feel comfortable.

Hyunjin in the other hand tan out the room going down the hall for changbin. He saw changbin walking into the dorm room so he grabbed his hand "hurry, innie is freaked out because of the thunder." Changbin didn't think twice before running into his room. He was freaking out and felt like a bad caregiver for leaving his baby alone with his biggest fear.

He was about to run in and comfort his babau but he cooed at the adorable sight. Seungmin had his arms tightly around Jeongin waist while they both slept facing each other. Hyunjin also came in the room and stopped at the adorable sight.

"That's adorable. Thank you so much for having such an Angel." Changbin looking at hyunjin hugging him thanking him for Seungmin's kindness.

"Should we go cook for when they wake up?" Changbin broke the hug "or we can cuddle them and make them bottles when they wake up." Hyunjin smiled walking to the bed to hug his little while changbin went to Jeongin side to hug him. They both kissed them on their lower neck.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone bubi, I won't ever do it again, I will always stick with you, please forgive me." Changbin mumbled drawing circles on the boys upper arm.

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