Fake it

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If you have watched love in the air more then 50 times.

I approvo of you

Little jisung
Caregiver changbin

Jisung pov

This was our live after stays finding out I was little.

Jyp had urged the group to go live as me little to let stays get used to this as me.

Better then getting kicked out I guess

The bad thing about this is that I had to force myself into little space.

I sat alone on the floor for about 10 minutes trying to to get myself into little space, with different techniques like, cartoons, stuffed animals, pacifiers, children toys, playing blocks, puzzles.

Nothing was working

Why can't I slip

I was getting mad at myself since I couldn't slip.

I heard the door open followed by familiar voices

I didn't want to disappoint so I wa alert to my last option

Fake it

The second they walked in I made eye contact with them.

I still had a pacifier in from trying to slip.
I guess they was enough for them to assume I was had slipped on my own.

"Oh baby your ready? I though we would have to help you" Chan spoke sweetly going to help set up the camera

Hearing that I was about to spill the truth hopping I could actually slip and I didn't have to act, it was too late.

"Alright Chan Lee know and changbin sit on the couch.

Hyunjin sit on the side sofa with seungmin. Jisung sit here in the floor with Jeongin."

I happily went to sit on jeongins lap. They laughed when I sat on him instead of my ordered seat.

They didn't bother to force me to move though since they didn't want a tantrum.

"Ok it's on"

I took one last breath before I started to fiddle around with random toys.

Maybe I will slip during the live

O hopper is end up slipping during the live so I didn't end up messing soemthing up.

Comments quickly stared flooding in, everyone had waves at the camera and started talking about random stuff I didn't really listen onto.

It didn't take long for stays to start to realize something was different.

I could see stays cooing in the comments and asking me small questions.

"How long have you been little hannie?" Chan read out a random question.

"Tree ywears" I tried to mimic how my voice sounded little. I looked up and saw everyone staring at me with admiration in their eyes.

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