Moved on 'letting fo part 2'

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Little Felix
Caregiver Jisung

I was waiting for Jisung to arrive at my apartment. It has been about 5 minutes when I heard a knock on my door. I ran downstairs knowing it was Jisung.

I opened the door and smiled shyly. "Hi.." jisung walked in shouting the door behind him "hey, wanna go in your room or stay in here?" He lifted my head by my chin to ask me properly. "Sure let's go to my room." Felix brought him to his bed room.

"Your room is really pretty" jisung said with a giggle looking at all my stuffed animals on my bed. "Yeah I can't sleep without them." Jisung thought that was really cute "wanna talk about us like get to know each other?" Jisung sat on my bed taking one of plushies and putting it on his lap "sure let's do it" I jumped on my bed sitting on a pillow with my favorite chick plushie. "So what's your favorite thing to do in your alone time" jisung asked "it used to be to hang out with my boyfriend but now I just watch tv or sleep." Jisung looked at me with a sad face "what happened?" I sighed before looking back at him

"I thought everything was good between us but a couple days ago randomly him and who I thought were my friends stopped talking to me, stopped inviting me out and and eventually my boyfriend broke up with me admitting that he used me for a dare and he didn't want to hurt me anymore, I don't really know much that's just what he told me." Jisung looked at me with sad eyes and hugged me "I'm so sorry to hear that it kinda sounds like happened to me haha" he said trying to laugh the pain away "what happened between y'all? "I loved my boyfriend, we were friends for years and one day he took me out for a walk to the park and sailed he had a crush on me for 1 year now and couldn't hold it in anymore. I was super happy knowing that my crush liked me back. We dated for month and he would always hang out with me until one day he told me he was cheating on me for 2 weeks now with another boy and he was sorry. I just walked away from him and never gave him a chance to explain himself. I wanted too but in past experience, they never change." Felix felt bad knowing that a boy he met has gone throw almost there same thing but it also made him happy.

"Let's keep going"

j-" WHATS your favorite colour?"

"Black and blue,"

F- "what's yours"

J- "silver and pink."

"That's cute"

J- "do you like cooking?"

F- "yeah I like cooking but I love baking"

J- "your gonna need to bake me something hehe, I like cooking as well."

"Ooh cool!"

The game went on for a while after that probably like 40 minutes until Jisung came to the big question he was fianlly going to ask



"Is it true that you have a headspace?"

Felix looked shocked almost like he was going to cry. "H-how did you know."

"Your easy to read, the way you talk, sometimes you talk soft and childish other times you talk like your normal self. And I was also told by a friend that you had it, that's why I wanted to meet you, I had a little friend younger and you reminded me of them, cute, small, sweet."

"T-thank you"

"Of course and never be afraid that I would hate something about you" Felix smiled at him before hugging


"Wanna order something to eat?" Felix was to tired to cook something "sure, get whatever you like I'll eat anything but pasta right now." Felix nodded or ding sushi veggies and soup.


The food arrived and they were finishing up there food outing the left over in the fridge. They had both taken a shower now ready to cuddle to sleep.

"You know" jisung started taking a few breath like he was stressed to say this "i know we just met yesterday, but I really do like you, like a lot and I don't think I could ever look at you in a friendly way again.." jisung said almost looking disappointed in himself. "That's kinda funny." I said Jisung looking up at me with sad eyes "because I feel like we have a in common and I like you, even though we just met, I feel like we should stick together, get through this together and never let each other go."

Jisung look excited, "so do you like me... romantically??" "Yes yea I do Jisung." They both look at each other smiling before laying down i eachothers arms Felix almost asleep from the long day "I will not let you go even when the worse comes." Jisung pecked his forehead.

"I guess this is the time to finally let go" both said to themself before drifting of to sleep

There will have a lot of mistake in here

This one didn't have Felix in a headspace because wi forgot half way through but I think it still counts 😌

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