Unwell pt 2

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the boys luckily slept throughout entire 3 hours

I managed to get some cleaning done and made sure to wash blankets pillows and sheets.

Deciding to make chicken noodle Porridge for the boys hopping it would be light on their stomachs

I walked into jeongin's room since I needed him to be up first.

I switched his light on where he started to move

"Innie can you wake up for me?" He turned over putting his face in his pillow whining

I stood up getting ready to fully pick him up.

"I know your sleepy but you need to eat" he looked up at me with full donw eyes.

lifting him up to sit up, placing him on my hip. "papppaa.."

All the boy could do was whine as try to fall back asleep while I carried him to the kitchen.

Placing the boy in his hair chair where he quickly rested his head.

"if you want to sleep you need to eat." he groaned, but brought his head up allowing hyunjin to put a small bowl on the top.

giving the little a spoon before he walked around the wall back into the kitchen to fix the little a cup.

"pappa.. i need chu.." hyunjin sighed before going back to the boy handing him the bottle.

"whats wrong?" no answer, just constant whining and pouting so hyunjin picked the boy out of the seat to put him on his lap.

"here open up baby" he tiredly opened his mouth, lazily chewing the food.

the half asleep boy wasnt even paying attention, just accepting whatever came.

"can you sit here for a second?" about to put him back in his seat so i could make a bottle for felix, the little near cried reaching for me.

"hey hey its only for a second hold on.." not liking the words coming out of the elders mouth he cried

"pappa..! no leave.." hyunjin sighed putting his head down for a second before going over to pick up i.n

"sit here"

placing his on the counter, Infront of me so he couldnt fall from his tiredness.

"hey." a raspy voice came from behind

slightly turning his head seeing jisung with felix in his arms and chan slumply hanging on.

"why didnt you wake me.." he question eyeing the food i cooked along with the bottle.

"i wanted to finish jeongin so i could get him back to sleep as soon as i could before i had to wake yall up, i didnt want to try and put all three of them asleep at once, it would be chaotic"

he nodded smiling a little at that.

"is he done? i can put him to bed." i looked over at him, as he was already getting them prepared at the table.

"yeah, i dont even think hes hearing anymore" coming from  behind, quickly grabbing the slowly falling boy and carrying to him to bed.

"mamma!" hyunjin grabbed the bottle and bowl of food turning to corner seeing ix crying trying to get out his chair

"hey hey stop no hell be back, stop your going to hurt yourself." chan though was just sitting on his chair with a blanket drooping off his shoulders. "can you eat on your own or do you need help?" the boy just looked at his bowl then back up. "hot.." i sighed before jisung came back in "ill help you baby"

or was going to. felix saw jisung and started crying for his mamma "take lix ill feed chan, i dont lix is going to allow you out of his sight until he is better." he smiled getting up pick felix up were he clinged to him.

"are you hungry?" he shook his head but i still had to get something into his system.

"here just a few bites." he shhok his again but did take the food that was given to him.

he ate about 3 bites of the food, it was almost done but he couldn't eat any more.

"are you feeling okay?" he shook his head he put his hand over his mouth looking at me

i picked him bringing im the he garbage.

"do you feel sick." he just stared into the trash

"it feels weird." i nodded letting him sit their while i got him some medicane

"here take this."he took the pill into his mouth.

"come on lets get back to bed.

he nodded about to walk tripping over himself

"woah here come on." he whined put allowed me carry him.

"im putting him back to bed ill be back in a minute."

jisung nodded still feeding felix.

chan put his head on my shoulder not being able to get comfortable, had formed tears in his eyes.

"pappa.. i don't feel good" i sighed laying him in his bed.
"i know baby but you will get plenty rest today and tomorrow and hopefully you will feel better." he nodded tiredly looking at me with sad eyes.

I grabbed the tin putting it near the bed just in case he got sick during night.

"if you get worse come wake up pappa okay?" he nodded eyes already closing.

i smiled walking out the room.

i walked back to see lix crying with jisung looking panicked.

"oh shit" i whispered quietly.

"what happened?" he turned to look at me not realized i came.

"i finished his bottle but he started crying an  didn't know why until he got sick everywhere.. i couldn't get him to calm down." i took lix into my arms worried if he didn't calm down he would get him self sick again.

"lixie i know it hurts and you feel terrible but if you dont calm down your going to get yourself sick baby.. dont overwhelm yourself bubs." he started to cough but did try to calm him

"here go get him changed and cleaned, ill clean everything up." he shook his head at me "no baby you done too much today, i owe you." he stood up going to get more cleaning products.

"no its okay i still need to pick up dinner, just go get him ready, i wont stay awake all night i just to cleanse the house a little." he sighed nodding taking lix out of my arms.

"dont stay awake for along please." i nodded sighing as i started to clean.

it was pretty hard not to get sick myself seeing all the sick on the ground but it only took a max of 10 minutes to make sure everything was cleaned nicely'.

i picked up all the dishes making sure to store the porridge in the fridge so they can have that tomorrow.

"pappa?" i tuned around seeing the boy with a pacifier and his fox animal.

"hey innie are you sleepy?" he shook his head looking up at me

"i cant sleep." he whined i saw that i was done so i picked him up to bring him to the other room.

"do you want watch a little tv with me?" his eyes got bright and nodded happily.

"newmo??" i smiled putting nemo on for the boy cuddling with him so he could fall asleep better.

it only took about 40 minutes in the show for the boy to fall asleep.

i turned the tv down so it wasnt so loud and let him rest for a bit before i would put him back into bed.

'hopefully everyone feels beter soon.

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