Panic atatck

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Caregiver 3racha mainly Chan
Little Felix
3racha we're going away for work and Felix gets an panic attack

Everyone knows 3racha is honestly one of the best producers (if you disagree you need mental help like- you mentally ok?) and they have been very busy recently traveling for interviews, performances, and events. All their members were super happy for them and really proud. They had to go to Thailand for events and interviews.

"Hey Lixie you will be okay right? " Chan was super worried and didn't want to leave their precious baby behind "huungie I promise I will be ok I can take care of myself." They had pure worry in their eyes but even tot beloved me and were about to leave "wait!" They automatically dropped their bags and ran up to Felix. "Are you okay what's wrong." Jisung just didn't want to leave him out and really loved little little twin. I just hugged them and giggled. "Bye bye hyungies" they all said one last goodbye before leaving.

Felix had ended up slipping playing with the others and they all ate dinner than lee know cooked for everyone. Everyone was enjoying their time. "Let's watch a movie!" Jeongin basically screaming making hyunjin fall on the ground holding his heart. It looked like his soul just left his body for a second "hehe sorry Jinnie" innie tan up to his boyfriend and hugged him. Everyone settled on the couch basically sitting on each-other.
"Let's watch frozen!" Minnie said
"What no! That's such a baby movie" hyunjin really didn't want to have to watch frozen "let's watch horror" everyone stared at him with disappointment. "Hyunjin 1. Don't say no to Minnie 2. No horror i front of the baby he will have nightmares." Lee know scolded being the parent since Chan is gone for the weekend. "Oh sorry! Sorry Lixie baby" he kissed his forehead while minnie out on frozen.

Felix pov
I was watching frozen i was no longer in a headspace but I didn't really feel like talking. I don't know why it feels like my body is just so heavy and my mouth is glued shut. Half way through seungmin and Jeongin fell asleep. Only lee know and hyunjin were still up watching their phones with the younger ones on their lap sleeping. I felt my hands getting shaky, what's wrong with me. "Hey I'm gonna head to bed." I managed to get out "night lix call us if you need soemthing." Hyunjin must care about me that much. Once I got into my room it felt like the room was getting smaller the air was being sucked out. I was freaking out this never happened to me before is this an attack or something? Jisung must know what to do. My shaky hands grabbed my phone and dialed him but he didn't answer. I called again but no answer. I should call hyunjin.. i don't want to worry him. Since I felt like I was about to faint I went to get him but they both fell asleep. "How do they fall asleep so fucking fast." I ran back to my room and called Chan. He answer quickly
"Hey Lixie what's wrong"
c-channie H-hyung"
"Hey hey what's wrong" I started to hyperventilate and it only got worse from me freaking myself out
"LIX! Lixie baby please breath."
I couldn't stop it just go worse I could hear Chan calling me but it was like I was underwater and couldn't breathe nor hear anything or anyone. "C-channie no breatf.." I could feel little me. I can't slip it will only get worse
Baby please I need you tell me what's wrong why are you so freaked out." I completely started sobbing and I could hear Chan calling for Jisung since he usually goes through this.
Chan pov
I had no idea what to do so I called for Jisung he knows what to do.
"What's wrong Hyung"
"I think Felix is having an panic attack but i can't get him to clam down" i was so scared he was going to stop breathing from how bad the hyperventilating was. Jisung widened his eyes and snatched my phone from me. "Lixie baby. Try and take dee breaths with me."
Felix listened to Jisung a calming voice and had eventually calmed his breathing
"There you go baby, good job I'm so proud of you."

"T-tank chu sungie" he sounded tired, poor baby. "Lixie how about you get your Paci and stuffy, go and get comfy in our bed."
Lix hummed and got into bed and out his phone next to him "c-can you sing me to sleep." Changbin came in when SUNGIE was singing in a calm voice. "Why do y'all look so stressed?"

Time skip

Felix had fallen asleep changbin was filled in with what happened and Jisung made sure to message Minho what happened. We had left early that morning to get home. Once we did Felix was still asleep but being cuddled by jeongin.  tear stains were still visible. Jeongin woke up when the three caregivers had arrives home, he smiled at us before leaving. Felix must have been exhausted since he didn't even move. All three of them got in bed with Felix and hugged him. "Your ok baby.. we love you and your safe and loved. Just remember that" I could hear changbin mumble I smiled at my band mate and how much he loved our baby. Jisung looked like he was not going to let go of Felix anytime soon.

I really never realized how bad my grammarians was. I'm so sorry for the confusion 😭.

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