Bath time

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Baby/little Jeongin
Caregiver Lee know and Chan

Chan was sitting on the couch trying with every bone in his body not to let out a noise

"Mmmhm" Chan groaned under his breath no longer able to take this"

He jumped up picking the boy up causing him to make a cute confused noise.

Jeongin was originally sitting in a play pen with many different toys.

The boy started wiggling around wanting to go playing.

He started whining frustrated that he wasn't getting what he wanted

"Ah ah baby it's time for soemone to take a bath"

The little tried to protest wanting to play longer

The little started to kick but Chan grabbed his legs holding them together

"Nuu.. don' wannn" Chan sighed always having to deal with the tantrums before bath time

Chan started waking to the batthroom when the little started moving a lot more throwing a harsh tantrum.

Chan struggled to hold the boy up.

He was about to give up and let him have more play time when Lee know enters the room.

Right before the boy could run he grabbed the boy trapping him a bone crushing struggle.

The little was about to THEOUGH another tantrum

"Don't even think about Jeongin. It's late and you have to take a bath, stop giving daddy a hard time"

The little went limp in Lee knows arm accepting his defeat.

Chan chuckled at how the boy could never hold up a fight agasint Lee know

Both going to the bathroom.

"Arms up baby" the little lifted his arms up allowing Chan to take the shirt off the boy.

Lee know went to the bathroom making sure the water was warm with some bubbles and a couple toys.

Chan lifted the boy placing him in the tub.

The littles attitude completely changed to happiness with his ducks and bubbles.

Chan and Lee know let the boy mess around for a bit before they went to wash him.

Lee know had slipped into the bath behind the boy to be able to wash his hair better

Chan played with the boy to keep him entertained while Lee know cleaned him up.

After they finished Chan got the little out still holding his ducky.

Chan dried the now sleepy boy.

When Lee know returned the gave Chan the littles clothes.

"Baby please stand up I need dress you"

The little pouted and whined

"Da..ddy... innie sweepyy..."

Lee know chilled enjoying the scene.

Chan looked at him with sharp eyes

Giving a last chuckle he put the boy on his lap so Chan could dress the boy easier.

Chan put an oversized sweater on the boy with a nappy.

Lee know gave the boy a pacifier he made sure to grab.

"Ready for bed bubs?" The laughed when the boy tilted his eyes with sleep glassy eyes.

Chan cradled the boy bringing him to bed

The where about to tuck the little in when he whined


The little whined not being able to give an answer

"Do you cuddles?"

The boy shook his head eyes teary.

"Are you feeling ok?"

Chan kept asking questions not realizing the boy could not explain

The boy shook his head about to cry

Chan felt bad not knowing what the boy wanted

"B-bun/bunni..." he managed to say and Lee know quickly gave the boy his stuffy he named bunni.

"Get some sleep baby" lee know pecked the boys forehead going to do his chores quickly so he can join the boy in bed and cuddle.

Chan giggled loved seeing his boyfriend affectionate

"Awwwh your so soft for innie"

The both walked out

"Do I not love you enough?" Lee know gave a tiny smile

"Wha- no I-i was j-"

Lee know kisses his cheek laughing at the flustered elder

"I was playing, of course I love him he's our precious little, but I adore you baby"

Chan blushed slapping the boys shoulder walking away shyly

Lee know laughed at the achievement of flustering him.

Love my babies


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