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Little hyunjin
Caregiver Chan

"Jinnie? Dumplings where are you?" Chan just got home work and went to look for his sweet, crazy, dramatic hybrid.

Chan clearly knew where the boy would be but wanted to make it a game. He walked into many different rooms looking for the little.

He finally walked into his room seeing the boy on the floor playing tubes.

Chan snuck up behind the boy and scared him.

Hyunjin screamed and jumped back.

"C-Chanie !" Hyunjin for up still scared hugging him.

"Hey baby, you like your tubes?" Hyunjin nodded happily while Chan rubbed the boys head.

"So you want to play?" Hyunjin got really happy and changed into his 'animal form'

The boy started following Chan around and played.

Chan chased the ferret around the house for a couple hours while playing with the boy.

Hyunjin suddenly went to his owner standing on two feet wanting to be held.

Chan smiled picking the small animal up rubbing his back.

He knew the boy would be tired from playing so he put him on the bed turning around to see the little back in human form with his small thumb in his mouth.

" Ah-ah" Chan went to the boy taking his thumb out replacing it with a pacifier.

"Nap time?" Hyunjin lairs down right when he heard the word 'nap' ready to sleep and wake up to play more

I want a pet ferret :]

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