bratty fox

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@seungimilkky Here lol

little/hybrid jeongin

caregiver lee know

"Jeongin go in time out right now." Minho had a straight face staring at the little with a serious expression.

Jeongin crossed his arms stubbornly.

"No! It ain't fwair!"

Lee know had enough of his little being self entitled and picked the little up placing him a chair that's facing the wall

"Your going to sit there for 10 minutes. If you move it's going up."


lee know was pissed off at this point.

he was done with his little acting self entiled.

lee knoww as about to leave when the little punched the wall.

"jeongin. stop it or your punishment will get worse."

lee know having enough had to take a deep breath to calm himself.

he kicked again

lee know was done.

he grabbed the boys arm pushing him on the bed.

he lifted the boys shirt slightly spanking the boy.

it wasnt hard enough to leave a smark but it was hard enough to teach the boy a lesson.

i.n started to cover but bottom crying out.

he pulled the small hybrid up that had tears rolling down his puffy cheeks.

lee know rubbed behind the boys fluffy ears with a soft face.

"baby, i know your under a lot of pressure but that doesnt mean you can hit and destroy other people things.." lee know made the boy look at him who had hos face down.

"you really hurt minnie baby, you cant do that to him, he was just trying to play.." jisung let out a small but painful sob just realizing how baby he has been behaving.

"i know your stressed but you cant let it out on other people, next time let me help you baby."

waiting for jisung to say something, he waited looking at him for about 30 seconds when he boy just mumbled incoherent words placing his head on his shoulder.

lee know smiled understanding

he picked the boy up placing him on his hip.

he went place him in the toy area where seungmin happened to be playing. when he saw the boy he whimpered at looked at chan with teary eyes.

jeongin felt bad and tried to touch him but he sobbed and flinched away.

jeongin had tears in his eyes and looked at minho.

chan sighed at picked up his little pitty in his eyes before he left the room.

jeongin had his down not moving until minho came back.

he gave the boy a bottle which the little refused at first.

he picked up jeongin and carried him to the room

knowing the boy had slipped younger put him in a nappy and small bunny shorts with his own brown sweater.

he put the boy on his lap giving him a stuffed animal he could play with and put the bottle to his lips.

he finally accepted it and drank it.

lee know layed the boy down a little covering him a blanket.

jeongin closed his eyes drinking the arm milk he has clearly missed from the past week from him acting like a brat.

once lee know saw the boys muscles realax agasnt his and his hands started to slowly fall from where it was holding onto his arm, he put the boy in a more comfortable postion.

he reached over the dresser pulling out a blue pacifier putting it agasint his lips.

he took it in subconsciously.

"everything will go back to normal soon.."


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