Cross dress

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Little seungmin
Caregiver changbin

Seungmin absolutely loves wearing 'girly clothes' he thought they were pretty and comfortable.

"Dada can I wear my special clothes?" It was there day off so everyone was just doing there own thing. "Sure baby do you want my help?" Seungmin tan into his closet greeting box out "no I can do but can you pick me an outfit out?

"Sure" changbin stood up to look through the box.

"Here how about this?"
It was a which was a flowing dress with a cute black and white ruffle collar and a black corset.

"Here how about this?"It was a which was a flowing dress with a cute black and white ruffle collar and a black corset

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I had no idea how to describe it but this is what I was trying to describe.

"Okay thank you daddy." Changbin noddles sweetly waiting for his baby to come out.

"Tada!" Seungmin said coming out he looked adorable.

"Awwe baby you look amazing." Seungmin smiled shyly "thank you." Changbin had a idea "hey do you want to show the others ? I think Felix jeongin and Jisung are here. Seungmin played with his hands "n-no"

"Why baby you look amazing?" Seungmin was never accepted and called a outcast. "They no like me." Changbin was confused "what baby they live you" seungmin looked and inhaled "they think I'm weird and no like how I dress."

Changbin understood what he was scared of "baby they will love you no matter what ok, we have all wore things like this so they won't care I promise you." Seungmin look up in his eyes and nodded slowly "ok I show them"

"Alright baby let's go" changbin held his hands and went into the lounge room seeing the three young members sitting in the floor playing games on there phones "hey guys I have someone for y'all.

They all looked and saw seungmin there eyes widened and didn't say anything. Seungmin thought they didn't like it and wined at changbin holding hai hand tighter. "They don't like it." He said sadly Felix was the first to speak up "NO baby! We love it I was just shocked from how pretty you look" Seungmin's eyes shines and laughed shyly. "Thank you pixie

Everyone laughed at the shy boy and ended up all playing together on a mat and jeongin jisung and Felix also put on 'flirty clothes to try and make him feel where'd about himself. to make the boy feel good about his fashion.

I had to re do this because I accidentally deleted some of my chapters :]

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