New years

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Happy new years 💞

Little Lee know and hyunjin
Caregiver jisung

"Daddy!! When can we go outside?" Hyunjin and Lee know came in the kitchen holding hands really exited for the night to have fun.

"Baby y'all can go outside right now but please ask Chan or Felix to watch y'all."

The littlest giggled running to the others room.


Jisung was making dinner, pho, stake on the side and homemade pita bread.

(Yea it's random but I ate this an sir was amazing :])

"Lixie! Channie hyung! Can you please come outside with us? We wanna play?" The littles where jumping in excitement can't wait for the dark to come.

"Go out on a jacket and shoes and we will go." Chan said while they walked to the kitchen.

"Hey I will bring the kids outside for a bit are you sure you go this?" Jisung turned and smiled.

"I got this just make sure they don't use up too much energy for tonight." Chan smiled Turing around right before he left he laughed


"Channie? Can we do fireworks yet?" The little climbed into Chana lap.

Just a hour baby then we can start popping

Hyunjin was very impatient wanting to do them now.

"Please but I wanna do them now please pleas pleaseeeeeeee!" Chan being the weak one he is got up and went get small fireworks they boys could light in daylight.

"Here baby boy" the littles jumped up and down grabbing random things playing with them.

None of what they where given needed to be lit so Chan went sit in a chair and watch the boys closely.

Felix came back outside and saw the boys with fireworks, suddenly freaked out that they had snuck into the stash and didn't want them to get in trouble "Chan did hyunjin and Minho steal fireworks? They know they can't do them for about 30 mor-"

"I gave them it they got to me"

Chan smiled at the beaming boys

"Oh well I guess it okay for now so Le-"

"Why do y'all have fireworks?" The two littles stood up with there hands behind there backs looking scared.

"D-daddy we sorry we just wanted t-" jisung suddenlt showed the boys the big fireworks in a box he had hidden.


"Y'all ready to pop some fireworks?"

The boys nodded excitedly wanting to see the big fireworks.

"Ok boys are y'all ready?"

Jisung had 1 big firework he was about to light

The littles clapped there hands "here we go!" The big dark blue firework went into the air exploding creating a amazing firework design.

Jisung did multiple more until they got low on for worlds.


Jisung and changbin where setting up difhtowks to set off ina minute.

The boys where sleepy but refused to go to bed until fireworks were over.

When they boys almost fell asleep they heard many fireworks go off. They both stood up in adoration as they stared intro he sky seeing the amazing fireworks.

All the colors and designs many going off at a time probably going to make them sick int he morning with all the smoke they are inhaling.

Jisung lit the fireworks as they jumped and clapped giggling at the amazing fireworks.

After 50 minutes most people stopped and only a few where finishing up only things going off whew small fireworks.

Changbin was helping jisung put the littles into there bed.

They where sleepy and seungmin had to give the boys a extra hand bathing them.

The littles almost falling asleep agasint jisung a back in the tub.

"Goodnight baby's, see y'all tomorrow where we start a new year bubi." Hyunjin still being some what awake smiled at the boys bringing his shaking hand up to touch jisung a face before he fell asleep, and Lee know who had passes askew outside on jeongin.

"Love y'all." Jisung smiled as he climbed in bed.


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