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Little hyunjin
Caregiver lee know

"Min!" Hyunjin sobbed from the pain in his lower back. Minho quickly jumped awake hearing his mate cry.

"Hey bubs what's wrong?" Minho picked the little up wondering why he was crying so hard early in the morning.

"My back hurts! Please!" Minho was confused until he realized he had slipped during the night and doesn't remember anything.

He picked up the crying boy bringing him into the bathroom. "This might feel cold baby I need you to stay still if you want pain to go away." Hyunjin had stopped crying but was still sniffing. Mi go stared rubbing cold mint cream along his lower back to relive the pain.

"Good job bubs." Hyunjin leaned down to lean agasint the olders chest. "So you want to something?" Hyunjin looked in his eyes "can we stay in bed for a bit longer?" Minho would never say no to those adorable eyes. "Sure let's go." Mi go places him carefully on the bed to not hurt the poor boy before laying with him as well putting on a Disney movie in the background.

"Jinnie loves min." He stares at him smilling "min loves Jinnie as well." He kissed his forehead from the cute little confession.

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