Dont go

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Little Jeongin
Caregiver Chan (seungmin)

Choked sobs are all that can be heard around the dorms.

Even with everyone trying to calm the sobbing boy down nothing had worked and the boy would start to struggle breathing if he kept it up.

"Da-dada !!" The youngest of the seven desperately called out for Chan Ashe wasn't there.

No one knew what to do and didn't want to make the situation worse by yelling at him.

Lee know hyunjin both got up and went in a different direction disappearing.

Hearing the choked sobs that seemed like they would never stop, seungmin stepped ignoring the little fighting him, placed him on his lap.

"Innie... I know you miss daddy but he had very import work to go too.." the little hated it

Shaking his head vigorously.
"Noono daddaa..!" Grabbing his head placing it on his chest to stop him from injuring himself.

"Is Channie came back home and saw you like this do you think he would be happy?.."

The little still crying but not as bad anymore

"He would want you to wait for him patiently and spend all your time crying for him... that won't make him hurry but it will make you sick baby" taking a pause to see if the little was listening before continuing

"You don't like be sick hm? Daddy surely doesn't and he would be heartbroken to know he cause that... you don't want your daddy to be hurt right?

He will be home soon innie.." Jeongin looked up at him tiredly.

Hyunjin and Lee know retired surprised that seungmin had managed to calm the boy down.

Comping near, he gave the boy a small blanket with a dark blue pacifier.

.taking it quietly, leaning on seungmins shoulder looking at the door.

"Would you like to watch something baby?" Shaking his head only wanting his caregiver.

Seungmin sighed moved his body so the boy was lying down but could still see the door. Everyone one else had parted ways at this point leaving seungmin alone with Jeongin

"Dada.." rubbing the boys back gently.

"He will be here soon baby... I promise" pulling out his phone seeing that Chan had arrived at the dorms.

He smiled and stood up with the boy

Upset about the change he whined but sooner stopped when he saw familiar hair pop out from the door.

He wiggled to get out seungmins hold

"Dada!! Channie Channie..!" Seungmin the boy in the ground who jumped to Chan hanging on.

Chan looked up confused, for only being gone for about 40 minutes the boy seemed very excited to see him.

He looked up at seungmin who seemed tired but had a light smile.

Giving a smile back for he walked away holding the boy with a firm grip.

"Why are your eyes so red pumpkin?" Jeongin whined clingy tighter

"Heyhey why?" Chan tried to move his head but he held tighter


"He was trying for a while when you left and seungmin had to calm to down." Lee know lazily stumbled into the kitchen getting a bottle of water

"Baby? You where crying?" The boy only whined

"You should put him to bed.. I don't want to deal with a tantrum tomorrow.." Chan laughed and walked away

"Do you want to wear my sweater baby?" He nodded so Chan walked over to a pile of clothes and picked up the bright yellow hoodie that Joe by on loves.

"Come in" bringing the boy to the bathroom getting him to brush his teeth and spray his face.

Bring him over to the bed tucking him in.

"Goodnight baby" heading to walk over to the door the boy whimpered

"Why are you so whiny today hm" the little grumbled and pulled him to make him get into bed

"Baby I need to go to se-"

"Nuu! Dada but leave innie" Chan smiled but took his phone out sending a quick thanks to seungmin and telling him he could come to him for a favor as in a Thbaks for taking care of his little.


"Okayokay" putting his phone on charge he slipped under the blankets for a long enough time for the boy to be asleep.

Putting his hand behind his ear putting pressure making sure the boy was asleep he quickly slipped out to take a quick shower.

he knew he needed to hurry

Already hearing slight whimpered from in the room.

Quickly getting in and out, he saw the boy thrashing in bed, he put his towel to the side before slipping in rubbing the boys back in comfort.

"Your ok innie, I'm here.." seeming to bed calmer Chan layed down while Jeongin immediately latched onto Chan with a grip that he clearly wasn't getting out of

"Your so cute baby you know that" Jeongin subconscious whined and turned over so he was nearly on top of Chan

"Nigh little one"

"Dada" th little one said, checking that he É was asleep he laughed

"I will be home for you tomorrow, you can play either me and be with me all day.. no more separating baby"

Jeongin smiled in his sleep clingy into his arm even more

"My dada..."


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