Flower crown

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Little Chan (nana)

Caregiver Felix

Chan sat in the flower field filled with many different kind of colorful flowers.

Walking with his small basket, picked lavender, purple dwarf, tulips, sunflowers, and lilies.

"Hello young boy, is there anything you need help with?" The kind girl came to the boy with a gentle smile

"Hi nana.. um can you help Channie with flower crown?" The women nodded gently holding his hand leading him near a large bush with small purple and white flower around it.

They both sat down in the grass putting the basket on the ground.

"Here we go, let's put this on your head baby"

Chan giggled at the feeling of the wire being measure on his head.

After it got measured they started to sort out the flowers, making sure the flowers were long enough.

"Here you go honey"

Chan smiled taking the flower wrapping them around the wire to make a pretty assortment of colors.

After we was done he smiled and showed it to the girl

"Yes it's so pretty, let's put it on" she took it out his head fitting it on his head tilting it a little to the side.

"Prwtty?" He smiled when the lady nodded softly

Chan started to make a flower necklace, tying the ends of the flower together working very hard on it.

"Hey Hannah, have you se- hi Channie, I was looking for you" Felix went to sit on his knees looking at what the boy was doing.

"What are you making baby?" Chan hadn't said anything too fixated on finishing

"Baby? Are y-" suddenly the boy jumped up very exited

"Look daddy! I made you necklace!" Felix smiled

"Yes baby it's really pretty"

Chan made the boy bow down so he could place it around his neck

After down Felix slowly stood up smiling at Chan who looked adorable in the flower Feild with a crown on.

"You look adorable Channie." Chan lowered his head blushing at the compliment

"Nuuu.. lixue ish preitter..."

Felix smiled putting his hand on the boys cheek

"Channie is adorable in his cute frog jumper with a flower crown on you fluffy hair surrounded by colourful flowers.

Chan smiled looking down a little.

"Stop it daddy..." Felix chuckled gently before picked the boy up with his flower.

"Let's my little boy back inside and go and cuddle, maybe even make more flower jewelry."

Chan smiled brightly, he loved making jewelry for his loved ones

"Yesh.." the boy smiled placing his head on Felix shoulder and wrapped his legs around Felix waist

"My little flower prince"

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