Here with you

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Little jisung
Caregiver Minho

Minho pov

I was rushing to the hospital but traffic wouldn't go any faster.

"FUCKING MOVE" I slammed my hand on the wheel out of frustration.

Tears whelded up in my eyes thinking about how jisung felt at the moment

There was small gap I saw between the car in front of me and the next road that was open.

I knew if I took this risk I could get pulled over.

All for jisung

I backed up as much as I could before I quickly made a right turn to get in between the person in front of me.

With a slight scratch I made it the other road quick ing driving down to the hospital.

Time skip

I parked right in front of the hospital where angry people where yelling at me that this is into for emergencies only.

Is me running into the hospital not enough?

I ran up the stairs having no time for the elevator.

The closer I got the more the crying and fussing became familiar to me.

I ran into the room that had about 7 nurses in there trying to control the poor boy in a panic on the bed.

I not so harshly pushed some of the nurses out the way going the young boys side.

I grabbed his hand that only caused him to cry harder, he tried to push away but I didn't allow him.

I slowly rubbed his arm doing my best to let him know he is safe and good hands.

"Your okay baby your safe everything is okay."

I could feel the tension slightly going down but some of the nurses where still in shock while the others where picking up the equipment that got knocked over from the panicking boy.

The opened his eyes and made eye contact with me.

I gave him a smile and his eyes sparkled at the sight of me.


"Yes I'm your bunny"

He reached over and out his hand in my cheek while silent tears rolled down the boys cheek.


"Yes sungie... I will never leave you I will be with you the entire time..."

I looked at the nurses with a small nose while they nodded back at me.

Jisung tried to look as well but I stopped him.

"Hey hey you know how much I love you right? My little baby. Without you everything would be black and white."

I smiled at the boy.

"I... I love bunny... you too... I love you.. my dada" the slowly got  out, tiredness taking over his body

"Dada is mine"

A Amal laugh left my mouth.

"Thank you sir, you will be aloud back in before he wakes up so he won't know anything ever happened"

The nurses thanked me I bowed and turned away on my way to pick up the boys favorite treats when he wakes up.

"Get well soon baby"

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