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Little seungmin
Caregiver jeongin

I have a jeongin obsession

Seungmin pov

I woke up without jeongin next to my side

Dadas overworking himself again

I thought as i pouted getting up rubbing my eyes.

I got dressed in simple jeans and oversized sweater. After i did everything i needed to i went into the kitchen.

Maybe i can bring something to daddy he must be hungry

I couldnt cook considering my headspace so i got him toast a apple and a cup of water

Dada will be proud of me.

I carefully picked everything up not wanting to make a mess.

I walked down to the studio where he would for sure be at.

Walking into the door i saw him there looking very tired but determined.

I walked to him either way the tray putting down on the side.

"Dada!" He looked at me surprised but softened his face after seeing me

Daddy looks so sleepy

"Why are you here minnie?" He got up bringing me to the couch.

"Dada works too much and minnie missed you.. i never wake up with dada next to me.." jeongin sighed knowing he hasnt spent time with the little in a while.

"But i have to get this down my voice needs to perfe-"

"No dada you dont need to be perfwct and you cant be perfect if you tired and no energy." Jeongin looked at the boys teary eyes and felt guilty.

"Dont cry bubs
Here let me shut everything down and we will go and do whatever you want"

No more hard work dada

"I wan' to cuddle and watch tv so dada no no overwork."

His smile made me smile

"Ok lets go bubs" he picked up the tray of food i brought him while grabbing my hand.

"Thanks for the food bubi" i smiled forgetting that i had even brought food.

"Will dada eat it?" He nodded talking a bit of the roast i made him

"So good baby now lets go cuddle and relax"

I always help dada when he need it

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