Messy incident

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(I think I accidentally deleted the previous chapter I had... I can't remember)

Little Felix

Caregiver Chan

Felix was bored and wanted to make a treat for his caregiver

"I need sugar.." lix climbed on the counter so he could open the sugar and pour some into the bowl.

"Yum!" The little had exclaimed after looking into his bowl.

"Oka.. now I need flour.." Felix wasn't exactly sure were the flour was kept.

After carefully getting himself down he started to look for the flour in all places he could reach

The little whined needing the flour to finish his treat.

He looked up in the top cabinet that was higher up.

Felix stared at it for a while before he tried to reach up.

The boy just frustrated not being able to reach the handle.

Lix jumped trying to hit the bar, hoping it would slam open.

"Please.." one last jump and the cabinet had finally opened.

felix tried to look in and find the flour, he didn't see it at first until he spotted a small white bag behind the seasonings.

"i can no reach.." the little knew jumping wouldn't help. with no plan left he decided to climb back on the counter to try and get the bag out.

the little grunted trying to stand up without hurting himself

"ok" felix breathed out i relief. felix moved some of the bottles out of the way so he could get the flour out.

finally, he was able to get the flour out not realizing one of the bottles had caught on the edge of bag.

when felix roughly took the bag out the bottle fell directly on the floor shattering, scaring the boy that was on the edge of the counter top.

the loud shattering noise piercing the boys ears and caught himself on the side before he could fall but let out a small pained whimper as his skin got stuck on the sharp end of the counter and sliced his hip

"nonono.. please.." the little went over to were the glass was and tried to pick them up.

remembering what his daddy said 'dont ever touch broken glass' the little whined, he didnt want to get in trouble but he couldn't just leave it here.

felix was about to get up when it happened

"we are home!" felix eyes widened in fear and made the risky choice to run to his room and hide, though, he forgot to lock the door.

felix sat on the bed with a still, not taken care of open cut on his hip slowly leaking to his shirt.

"ok so maybe we could try an- hey hey dont move." lee know, seeing the glass pulled seungmin back who almost stepped on glass.

"who did this? whoever did this is in trouble, leaving shattered glass on the floor is dangerous and someone could be seriously injured!" lee know kept ranting on making eye contact with everyone "who did this S-"

"min, we were out all day, we couldnt have done this" jisung held his hand to stop him from scolding everyone who was just as upset as him.

"okay then who. if we were all out, did a-" minho stopped mid sentence seeing everything that was out

un baken cookies

"ah.. guess we found our culprit." minho was about to walk straight to his room.

"no, let me i don't want you talking to him when your this angry, yall go freshen up ill clean it up."

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