'Rich boy 2'

671 12 3

Little Felix and ??
Caregiver hyunjin

Hyunjin pov

I was about to pick the boy up and let him be with us so he calms down, but I was beat

"My baby! Are you okay why are you sad did those big menaces hurt you!?"

I was ready to go and take the boy from the over-worried full of questioning squirrel

I went to grab lix by the hand out I was pushed away by jisung

I glared at him giving my self a second to not cuss in front of lix.

"What are you doing?" He stared at me like I just committed a crime

"Trying to comfort MY boyfriend"

About to grab my boyfriend he picked him up and ran away

"HES MY BABY" I scoffed when I heard the door slam with following giggles.

I huffed flopping in the couch

"Jeongin. Can you please go take your boyfriend so I can have my boyfriend back?"

He smiled at me before coming and put hug head on my lap.

"Looks like our boyfriends abandoned us, now it's them and me and you." He gave me mocking face.

I grunted and pushed him off me earning laughs

I was about slam the door open and demand by little back

"GI- oh?"

"Daddy!" Lix jumped on me nearly knocking me out.

I looked over him to see something I never thought i would. jisung was sitting on lix blanket where he kept all his toys.

'hes just playing with lix' 


it may seem like it but i have been with enough littles to be able to recognize one.

felix notices i was starring at him.

"daddy look! sungie pway wif lixie!" they are definitely polar opposites.

felix ran over to him hugging the boy.

i could tell jisung was uncomfortable, this clearly isnt something he wanted to reveal.

"lix bun, come here" he pouted but came closer to me.

"how old are you feeling bub?" confused, but he showed me 7 fingers.

"can you go ask channie hyung to help you fix a warm milk bottle?" 

"okaa!" he ran out the room going down to the others.

i took this chance to talk to jisung.

"jisung?" he was still looking down playing with his shorts.

i sat down next to him still giving him space, placing my hand right over his, he stopped fidgeting and looked up at me.

he wasn't crying but i could tell he was nervous.

"Hi" i want to make him feel comfortable and let him know he is ok

"h-hi" i smiled at him and he gave me a small smile back.

"how are you?" keep it simple and slow.

"i-ish tu  gon' tell innie?" 

"why dont you want him to know?"  

jeongin would obviously accept him, so there was something else stopping him.

"cus' i weird an' i bother too much" someone clearly has been picking on the boy, making him scared to be his self.

"baby your not a bother to any of us.. and look how innie treats lixie he loves him right? so he'd love you as well baby. dont let your thought get the best of you he'd love you and probably treat you even better." he looked at me and sighed.

"innie tired. tomorrow..?" just in time lix came in the room with a bottle.

he gave it to me and held it in front of him. he looked at me with wide eyes clearly never used one before, or anything in general.

"b-bwttle?" i nodded. i stood up picking the little up placing him on lix bed. felix eagerly went lay next to him cuddling up even putting his favorite stuffed animal in between them.

he laid down and i gave him the bottle.

he slowly started to drink from it.

after relaxing he started to seem more comfortable.

finishing the bottle he gave it back to me which i put it on the night stand.

grabbing a blanket i put it over the two but felix got up and ran downstairs, wanting to play and leave his fellow little friends to nap peacefully.

"we will talk more latter hm?'" not getting a answer i smiled seeing the little passed out hugging the stuffed toy.

i could sit here and coo about how cute he was but.

i have my own business to take care of


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