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Little Jeongin

Caregiver minchan

"Little one come here"

Jeongin was jumping around the room exited for the following day that was to come.

"Innie... let's get dressed and get in bed bubs."

He ran into the elders arms hugging him tightly.

Though he was still jumping very exited

"If innie doesn't calm down then tommorow will never come." Lee know tried talking sweetly tot he boy but his patients fir the boy was running out

"Come here or no surprise." The little was understanding completely but the words 'no surprise" made sense to him

With a cute pout he calmed down in Minhos arms allowing him to get his shirt on and lay him in bed.

"Hyungie stay wif innie?" The little gave puppy eyes to Lee know trying to win him with his cuteness

"Sorry bubs, I have some work to finish." The pouted and turned around

"Min is sorry bubi but I promise you birthday cuddles." The little turned back around with a joyful smile

"Weally?" Lee know smiled

"Yay! Cuddles from min min" the little was really happy and didn't seem like he'd sleep any time soon.

"Yes but if innie doesn't go to sleep then innie won't get cuddles. Better sleep so min cane give you cuddles tomorrow" the little smiled hugging his stuffed animal

One kiss on the cheek before he left the room only to see a cheeky Chan

"Aw is tuff Minho all sweet and nice for the baby" lee know rolled his eyes smiling

"Im never taking the job of putting him to bed, it's a nightmare" Chan laughed

"That's what it will be like do you ever have kids"

Minho looked at Chan grossed out at the mention of children

"Are y'all done?"

Chan sighed nodding his head

"Yep all ready for the little, he will love it."

Minho nodded smiling thinking about how happy Jeongin will be.

"Well everyone needs to get some sleep so we will have energetic for tomorrow morning, night Chan."

•next morning•

Jeongin pov

I woke up with a soft but muscular  buddy in bed with me

I hadn't opened my eyes enter because I was comfortable

"Mr. Bunny is weally bwig todway"

I heard general laughs and someone stroking my hair

I opened my eyes and was met with Lee know

"Woah bunny is bwig!" Jeongin always called Lee know bunny and named his stuffed animal after him

"Oh no where did bunny go?" I looked out for him not seeing him

I looked back at him and pouted

He covered my eyes for a second before he uncovered them and showed me a new white and grew bunny with a dark blue bow wrapped around the neck and a small attachment that said

'Im bunny, I give good cuddles and nice comforting buddy, please take good care of me'


Suddenly the door opened and Chan poked his head in

He smiled at me seeing that I had received the bunny.

"Hello little foxie" he said to me brushing the few strange out of my face.

"Is innie ready to get up?" The sudden excitement rushed through me and I jumped up scaring Minho in the process.

"I walked over to Chan who had already taken out an outfit for me.

It was a dark purple knitted shirt with a black over top, shorts with a small graphics on the bottom corner and a silver bracelet.

Chan had carried me down stairs where I saw many balloons with part strings decortating the lounge room.

I saw 5 presents on the floor and I was eager to open them.

Lee know soon following us down and hugged me from the back

"In innie ready to open presents?" I nodded happily

I went and sat in chans lap while Lee know out the presents infront of me

"Since the others got caught up with very busy work they where very sorry that they couldn't enjoy the day eh you, so the each got you soemthing that will remind you of them"

I never really cared for birthdays I just liked hanging out with my friends so it touched my heart that the other went out there way to do this for me.

The first one I had opened was a brown and black dog with floppy ears named Minnie

"Minnie pwetty puppy" seungmin was sunshine puppy

The second present had a cute rain cloud humidifier that came either vinilla scents.

"Lixie!" I shouted out earning small laughs and head pats from my cuteness.

"Here baby, be careful din smush it"

I had opened the gift from hyunjin which had many different snacks and a cute pacifier with a bear print on it.

I wanted to use the pacifier so bad and Lee know had noticed taking it from me going to wash it.

"Tank chu!" Lee know came back and placed it in my mouth.

I giggled behind the pacifier before my eyes landed on the next gift

"Here from the squirrel"

I took it seeing many different stuffed animals, stickers, coloring books, and a small soft blanket.

My attention quickly went to the stickers.

"Dada and daddy gets stickies"

I put a couple hearts, stars, and animal stickers on there faces clapping my hands at my creation on their face.

I had forgot about the present before they spoke up

"Hm I guess innie doesn't want this present" they pretended to take the gift away

"Nu!! My pwesent! Gimmie daddy!" Chan laughed handing over the present

"It had cute bowls, plates, and utensils. Most of them were fox themed, some bunny's, and cats. I thought they where cute and couldn't wait to use them

I looked more and saw glitter.

My eyes sparkled.

Chan and Lee know shared looks like they where about to kill changbin

"Glwter!! Hehe".

For the next couple of hours I had used the gifts that I had gotten and Chan even made me a lunch using the plates and utensils that's changbin gifted me

I had eventually exhausted myself falling asleep in there arms with the puppy stuffie and small blankie

"Tank chu fo da bwest day ever"

They both kissed my forehead before falling Adler with their arms securely around my waist

No one pov

The rest of the members got home late feeling bad for missing out on the littles birthday but smiled when they saw how all the gifts where opened and many where used, the plates where used for lunch time and they cooed at the sight of the smaller sleeping in his caregivers arm with a small smile on his face expressing his happiness from his special day.

They all gave a general kiss while seungmin made sure to pinch the elders nose before leaving

I got 4 needles and I'm grumpy

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