Voice crack

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caregivers chan Jeongin Hyunjin Changbin (manly Jeongin)

little Felix Seungmin lee know jisung (mainly Felix and Minho )

All the members were backstage preparing for their performance. Some were nervous and trying to calming everyone down and they did their handshake. When they got on stage their starting preforming and they thought it was one of their best performances they have ever done. When they got done they all hugged and went sit at their table to watch all the others.

Time skip

Jeongin was watching the others groups Freeform aces witch they thought were amazing "hey they are so good don't you think" he whispered to Chan "yeah for sure, and I thought we where good haha" we both chuckled"

After all of them were done the awards were about to start but I saw some of our members start to get squirmy. I looked down at them and non then other is was the littles. I was he tying anxious because I didn't want them to slip right now on live tv.

7 minutes later

I saw lee know looking around until he made eye contact with me I genially thought he was death staring me until he smiled with big doe eyes. "Hihi innie" min giggles quickly. I freaked out being mom was little and that might make the other slip, I really don't want them to, there are people here that hate littles and they might embarrass the self live. I looked around trying to find where Chan went. I turn Hyunjin and ask him and he says he took lix to the bathroom. "Wait is lix little too!?!" Jeongin asked very worried "no no no you know how he gets lost often" Hyunjin chucked

I understood I mean we all get lost but Lixie is an the true stray kid so he can't alone in big crowds anymore.

"Ok well min is little I'm in worries that he's going to trigger the others..."

"Oh um well it's going to be over soon, you think we just wait it out.. i mean I don't think we are getting an award anyways so he doesn't have to talk or go on stage.."

"Yeah I guess so but let me check first" I looked at min and he was playing with his fingers and tapping his feet. I try and go behind him without bothering anyone else.

"Hey min baby come here" he hears me and I can tell by hi body language he stiffened. I was worried so I took his hand and brought him to where me Changbin and Chan was. I made him look at me and his eyes where teary. I got worried and this got Changbin attention really fast. Changbin quickly took action since he's not really h the one that cry's that much.

"Hey min what's up"

"Scwry" I looked at Changbin and he nodded. He took out his phone trying not get caught by the cameras and texted Chan he needed him to come back quickly.

Min kept looking around and I was confused so I asked him what's wrong.

Min bubs, why are looking so scared..?"

"They no like 'm..." I felt so bad so I asked Hyunjin if him and min could change places and he quickly went down next to where ji and Seungmin were standing.

I saw Chan bear the curtains quickly come to use with Felix close behind. "Hey hey what happened"

"Min got scared from all the people.. he slipped" I whispered.

He nodded and held mins hand for the rest of the time.

I was watching all the members talking with each other supporting the others groups recovering rewards. We never really felt jealous because o bunch of out members don't think we made yet and we aren't that good yet. We were having fun until we heard our name we were shocked and Chan was trying to ask they meant them. When the confirmed we all looked surprised and walked over to the stage. I looked at everyone and I could tell by their body language the littles were trying hard not to slip. We took the award and Chan talked then Felix talked... while he was talking I could hear his voice crack and the way he was talking i could tell he had slipped. Changbin and Hyunjin quickly took him away while Hyunjin finished it off.

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