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Me watching Felix and seungmin live right now-

I have nothing agasint hyunjin I promise

Little Chan

Caregiver hyunin (Minho and Jeongin)

Jeongin and Felix had left the room pretty early to go and do there own thing

Chan woke up with no weight next to him.

He opened his eyes to see that no one was in the room with him.

He sighed about to go back to sleep but he heard laughed coming from downstairs. Chan smiled getting up taking his plushie with him.

He stood in the hall way seeing his two caregivers laughing with eachother cuddling on the couch.

Chan walked over to them confused why they weren't cuddling him as well.

"W-why daddy's leave Channie alone..?"

The boy asked innocently.

They both looked at eachother nervously before Jeongin quickly spoke up.

"Sorry Chan we had to go shopping and get some things done."

Chan confused why they didn't call him by his preferred nickname.

Although he chose to ignore the signs.

"Chan we go cuddle.."

Jeongin being the soft one was about to speak up before hyunjin interrupted.

"No Chan go ask someone else to cuddle you we are busy."

Chan wanted to sink back from the harsh tone his 'boyfriend used'

He was about to leave them to do whatever the important work they were doing.

When he made it to hall he looked back only to get a heartbroken

"God he's so fucking annoying when are we going to break up with him..?"

Chan started in shock at hyunjin

'I'm annoying...'

"He's not annoying hyunjin"

Even though he was on the verge of tears he wanted to know how much his boyfriend really hated him.

"Yeah right the boy that needs constant attention, spends so much money on useless stuff  and never lets us be alone."

"Shut the fuck up hyunjin he's-" not letting them continue he put his hands over his ears and ran into his room.

He sat on his bed trying to gather himself.

Instead of listening to hyunjin a words he calmly packed his stuff.

Got out a bag and put in some of his clothes, all of his little space stuff.

He got a piece of paper going to write on it.

Dear hyunjinnie and innie. I apologize deeply if I ever caused issues between y'all or made it seem like I was taking time away from y'all.
I never wanted y'all to think that you had to put your 100% attention on me. But I guess something that I cannot control, is annoying to you hyunjinnie

I'm sorry for causing problems.

But you should have never put my into your relationship if you felt like I'd cause problems.

I know how dearly you love innie and how y'all made plans for the future how many dates and place y'all go together with me

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