Letting go

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Little Felix
Caregiver Jisung

Moving on isn't easy for most people. Moving on from things you feel safe with, things you love, things that help you. It was never easy to let go of people you love.

But when they move on from you so easily, it leaves you with no option but to try and move on as well.

So for Felix, letting go of Chan was never easy for him. Letting go of Chan meant letting go of his friends, his safe place, the only person who ever care for him.

Being alone for months was very hard for Felix. He didn't have anyone to call at the middle of the night, or go and hang out with when he's feeling down or lonely or to cuddle.

Being alone sucked.

Especially when he believes that they were meant to be.

Felix worked at a caffè that was right next to his apartment. He was struggling with money and could barley afford himself food.

"Hi" a voice appeared. "Hello sir, what can I get you?" Felix smiled at the boy in-front of him. "Yeah can I get a dragon fruit blend with strawberry berry chunks in it please?" Felix smiled at the boy. He couldn't help it, he was pretty, had a calming voice, and looked like a very friendly person. "Yes sir, please take a seat and I will bring it to you." The young boy nodded with a bright smile. Felix smiled to himself thinking about the boy, everything about him. "No Felix stop it your probably never going to see him ever again" Felix forced himself to stop these feelings about the other. Felix made the unknown boys drink putting a pretty flower straw in it before bringing it to the boy.

"Hi, here's your drink please enjoy." They unknown boy smiled at him Felix was about to walk away when "hey wait!" He grabbed his hand "uhm sorry but I just wanted to ask, could I have your number?" Felix made a confused face "not in a weird way! I just have seen you working here for a while and you never really smile so I thought you needed a friend?"

Felix was surprised no body ever cared about his feelings "yeah sure just give me a second and I will give it to you." Felix went to the back thinking

'does he really want to be my friend or just use me? If he's using me for money it's his loss.' Felix shook the thoughts away writing his number on a piece of paper. "Here you go." They boy smiled looking excited." He was about to walk away but he suddenly turned around "hey what's your name? I forgot to ask" Felix laughed shyly "oh it's Jisung, what's yours?" Felix smiled at the cute name "felix" the boy smiled at him "nice name felix, I'll talk later I have to go get back to work." They both waved at each other while felix went back behind the counter the boy never leaving his mind while he finished his shift.


Felix returned to his apartment seeing he had a text from Jisung

Hi felix it's Jisung from the caffé, text me when your free :)
Sent 6:37

Hi ji, I just got home sorry for the late replay, are you still awake?
Read 8:56

Hi lix! Yeah I'm still awake, how are you doing?
Sent 7:56

Lix ♥
I'm just sitting in bed not much. It's kinda boring though.

I could help your with that boredness:)

Lix ♥
huh? Don't be a creep :[

Awwe your so cute, no I just meant we could hang out or something.

Oh, yea elk I would love to hangout but I'm really tired sorry ^^

We can cuddle then!

Wait really!? Please don't joke with me about that kind of stuff

Of course I really do like cuddles, I don't really have anyone to cuddle with right now so please.

I really DDINT know if he was being serious but I have nothing to lose.

Ok please come quick

Ok I'm on way <3

Im waiting :]
Read 8:26

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