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Little Chan
Caregiver lee know

Chan was practicing the dance in the practice room. Nobody else was with with because it was there day off an she just wanted to try and perfect the footwork.

While he was getting further to the end of the song, he went to do the move but when he jumped his left foot landed crooked and without realized he went Steiger into the next move and his foot twisted and he fell down with the throbbing pain running threw his foot.

"Shit oww" he mumbled holding his foot tight to try and smooth the pain. They had there final practice tomorrow before they had to preform on stage i front of thousands of stays and he was hurt.

Chan stood up trying to balance him self before grabbing bag and walked back to the dorm. He prayed no body would still be awake so they wouldn't see him limping.

"Oh hi chan! I Made some crab fried rice I just put in the fridge so you don't have to heat it up." Startled by sudden voice he quickly realized who it was "oh hey, thanks I'm just going to go shower then I'll come back for some thanks." He smiled at him "of course Chan I'm heading to bed now, make sure to get some too hyung no sleepy heads tomorrow." He giggles "alright night jin" hyunjin walked off to his bedroom not realized Chans discomfort.


"Chan hyung come on! We need to get up early and practice so we can be ready for stays tomorrow!" Chan groaned sitting up seeing the maknae smiling at him.

"I'm coming baby" Chan rolled out of bed standing up still feeling the pain in his foot. Chan went into the bathroom changbin into a white tee with a and brown jacket with sweatpants on. He made sure to wrap his ankle so it would hopefully heal faster. "Are you coming Chan we gotta go." Lee know knocked softly "y-yeah" he accident stuttered from the shock. Opening the door he saw a worried look lee know. "Are you okay? Do you feel little??" Lee know grabbed his hands looking directly into his eyes. "I'm fine you just startled me." Lee know nodded softly still holding his hand walk out the dorm with everyone else behind.


"Come on this is the third time we are starting over again. Do you need help with this move?" Chan shook his head he just need some water.

"Chan your foot is turned the wrong way"


"No Chan this way."


"Chan what's wrong with you!? Why can you get this move correct?!" Hyunjin was tarring to get angry he just wanted to get it over with

"I'm sorry.."

"Hey hey it's okay we will just continue ima. Couple minutes go get water everyone." Lee know told everyone and went to Chan. "Are you sure your okay?" "I'm fine I just need water let's get this over with."

After 2 hours everyone had got the dance down and went back to the dorms to get ready for tomorrow.
"Alright guys get some sleep we have to leave early tomorrow ."

"Yea hyung" everyone said in sync going get ready for bed.

Chan went in his room packing his bag for tomorrow making sure to pack comfortable clothes, little little things since the plane flight is long, and painkillers for his foot.


" okay guys come here" everyone huddles up to each other backstage just a couple minutes before they had to go on stage. "We can do this okay we have practiced hard for this okay, get out there and do your best and have fun guys." Chan told his members hiding them all.

Chan was getting nervous, no one had any idea about his foot and he was worried hes hurt it even worse in stage. He was practicing the jump backstage when he could feel his foot pop and he freaked starting to second guess himself and walked over to the staff  "I can do this I can't do this please" the staff look so confused but also ferrous because they had to be on stage in a minute "Chan you gotta go yall are on now"
"No no my foot I can't do it." Chan was freaking out he knew he would mess up "just work through it come in you gotta go" the staff pushed him on stage going into his spot.

He pushed the voices to the back of his head trying his best.

They sing was coming to an end and his foot was hurting even worse then before but he pushed through, the music ended and he tried to stand up straight but his little side had already came out from the unbearable pain and couldn't hold it any longer. He ran back stage and collapsed to the floor crying holding his foot.

All they other came off quickly and lee know burst through them to get to there leader.

"Hey hey Chan wats wrong"

F-foot hurts" lee know heard him and pulled his pants up trying to look at his foot seeing that he had a bandage on.

Lee know picked up Chan bringing him into the nurse that was located on the second floor. He told all the members to go in the dressing room and get ready to leave so they could go back to the dorms. "So what's wrong?" Lee know was very worried about his little

"He has a untreated sprained ankle, it has probably got Ron worse since all he had was a bandage over it, he just needs to stay off it for a week or so and it should heal faster." The nurse said calmly to not freak out earlier of them any more. " okay we will do that." "Have a good you two." The nurse said. Lee know picked up the alarmist asleep boy and carried him back to dressing room swing their bags already packed. He quickly got dressed in normal clothes picking up his bag and going to car placing Chan down next to him so he could fall asleep on him.

"So what's wrong with him?" Changbin asked the second oldest. "Apparently he has a sprained ankle for a couple days and had it untreated , he just needs to stay off it so it can heal."

"Put his computer in front of him and he will stay off of it."

Seungmin laughed at hyunjin a comment

"No we needs to relax and stop pressuring himself to do good."

"Channie sorry" Chan mumbled against lee know looking into his eyes.

"It's okay baby you were just stressed wanting to good for stay, it shows how dedicated and how much you love to do good for stay, you will heal in time then channie can do good for stay again."

"Chanmin loves you"

"Love you too baby"

Lee know kissed his forehead rubbing his back hearing cooes from his members seeing Jisung and Felix also sleeping while hugging Chan."

"Get well soon Channie" lee know said before letting himself fall sleep too.

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