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Little seungmin and Jeongin

Caregiver Chan

"innie wake up wake up wake up!! come on!" the youngest little was not ready to be awaken from his precious nap with a heavy over energized body jumping on him.

"minnie! o-off!" the little coughed from seungmin digging his knees into his lungs. 

seungmin had climbed off the bed but didnt stop there. 

he was too happy to think about his actions and accidently pulled the little to hard witch resulted in the little falling off the bed hitting his head on the bed side table.

"i-innie?.. are you okay??" seungmin kneeled down only to see his buddies eyes with tears in them. 

"nonono! dont cry please innie dont cry." slipping deeper the small one was hurting, confused, and overwhelmed. crying was the only solution for him. 

seungmin freaked out and was about to run out the room but he couldn't leave the crying one there to suffer alone. 

"come on innie i bring you to daddy." 

seungmin knew he was not as strong as the younger but he refused to leave the little alone. 

he picked the younger one up feeling himself slightly come out of little space but not fully. 

he tried to ignore the heart wrenching sobs that were coming out the poor youngers mouth, he made it about half way when a freaked out lee know saw what was happing and rushed to the boys sides.

"seungmin! why is jeongin crying and why are you carrying him?" lee know question the little, although, seungmin who refused to stop walking 

1- because he was desperate to get his caregiver to help

2- because his arms felt like they were about to fall off.

"i-  i accidently pulled innie out of his bed... and.. he hit his head and slipped. .. to a younger headspace and cant walk nor  will he stop crying." 

"here let me carrying him you must be tired." lee know tried to grab the boy

"NO!" lee know started at the in shock.

"im sorry min but i caused this so i must get him to daddy on my own." lee know smiled at the boy.

they finally reached where the studio was and lee know opened the door. 

chan looked at the door only to jump up and run the the boys when he saw what was happening.

jeongin was almost asleep but was still crying, not as loud but it could be heard. 

"what happened?" trying to act calm, but inside he was worried for the crying boy. 

"i accidently made innie hit his head on the table next to his bed.. i prmowse it was a accident.." the main reason seungmin had been freaked out the entire way here was because he kept getting in trouble from his clumsy self.

chan scolded him the other day saying if he did something bad again he would get punished.

that means no stuffies or cuddles.

chan saw the little eyes tearing up from overthinking.

chan stood up and hugged the boy. 

"innie is ok he just had a small bruise on his head that will go away within a week, can you tell me why this happened."

the little looked up before playing with his shorts.

"binnie got me a new toy for me but i wanted innie to have it... but i hurt him.."

chan felt bad.

he knew the boy meant no bad intentions.

"you wanted to give him your toy?" chan smiled at the boys kindness.

he always thought of someone else's happiness before him

"im sorry... ill out my stuffies on your bed..." chan lost his smile realizing he must have buried what he said the other day in the littles brain.

"no innie im sorry i shouldnt have told you that i was just stressed, its okay mistake are normal and innie is ok he is not injured."

seungmin smiled going to hug chan.

"come on lets get innie home then we can do something fun when he wakes up.

the both smiled while seungmin went to pick up the little. 

"i can carry him seun-"


chan huffed but smiled inside 

/cute babys'

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