All about me

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Little hyunjin
Caregiver Chan (skz)

4:17 am

"No here!" .. "no it looks weird there!" .. "let's just put it up there" .. "no-"

"Y'all better be quiet! stop fighting where the streamers go! If y'all are going to fight leave, I don't need y'all keeping me up for the next 3 hours"

It was near 4 in the morning and everyone was trying to make a cut surprise for hyunjin when he wakes up, about 3 hours from now.

Seungmin and Lee know where in the kitchen making a nice breakfast for him when he wakes up and Felix with a few staff members where finishing a cake.

That left Chan Jeongin, chsngbin and jisung to do decorations.

"But Chan wouldn't it look so much better here?" Jisung lifted streamers on the back wall

"No it looks so plain there! We s-"
"I swear if y'all do not stop bickering I'm going to kick y'all out."

That seemed to shut up the youngest 2 in the room.

"Go sit down there and start taping these together so we can get this done faster"

Both of them groaned but complied.

Chan stayed awake for about an hour trying to make everything perfect for him baby "Chan you can barley stay on your feet, go to bed"

Changbin, who is helping Chan out the final decorations up, went closer and held chans arm.

"No I can't, I need to finish this-" . "Not Chan go to bed, I'll finish sticking these to wall, I promise I won't change anything but you need some sleep."

Looking around he realized that Jeongin and jisung had felled asleep on the lounge, no one seen in the kitchen anymore, and changbins eyes were deep red.

"Okay.. get some sleep too" they both nodded before he headed off the the bathroom getting ready, before quietly slipping into the room getting in bed with the little.

"Hmmm... channie w" Chan pulled the boy in a hug humming slightly

"Nothing bubs go back to sleep"


Chan had woken up a bit earlier to get everything ready.

Made sure the cake was put away in the fridge, helped the staff plate the breakfast that was made.

He allied back in the quietly going through hyunjin wardrobe to find a nice outfit for him.

Knowing he'd wake up in little space since he had slipped with the others yesterday and went to sleep still in, usually he'd wake up little for a bit as well.

Chan decided to stay at his desk for a while until it was time to wake the little up.


"Channie hyung?" Surprised that the little had waken up pretty early.

"Hi baby why are you awake so early hm?" The little just stared at him directly in the eyes not saying anything

"Why don't you back to sleep baby, I don't want you to be t-"

"Nuuu" the little turned around on his stomach putting his face in the pillow

Understanding why the little didn't want to go to sleep he picked him up placing him on his hip

"Is someone too excited for today to sleep?" Trying to hide the smile but failed, he giggled and punched chans chest lightly

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