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Little Felix
Caregiver Skz mainly Chan

Felix had been feeling sick for a while but today was the worst. He could hardly get out of bed.

When he finally managed to, he walked to the kitchen until he even walked anymore and dropped to the floor with his back against the dishwasher.

He felt dead it was hard to breath and he couldn't hear or Rivas on anything.

Everything was blurry but he could see someone was standing in front of him, based on their body he assumed it was changbin.

Changbin pov

I was going into the kitchen when I saw Felix sitting there. "Hey Lix you good?" He didn't respond to me but he was moving his head like he was broken doll or something.

I went closer and moved his hair out of his face. "Felix look at me." He wouldn't look he didn't even seem like he was there.

I didn't know what to do so tan to lee knows room to get him.

"Minho please help me, something is wrong." Mungo shot up from the bed hearing someone was in trouble.

I quickly showed him where Felix was. He saw down next to him tried to get his attention "Felix, can you hear me?? Lift your hand if you can." When Felix didn't move he started to tan his cheek.

"Call Chan right now." I didn't think twice and called chan right away.



No it's Jisung what did you need hyung?

Chan and you need to get home right now. I sit. Give a fuck what your doing, get home right now.

Why? We are doing important wo-

Felix is laying in the ground right now not responding to us, I don't know what to do get home.

I greats Jisung talking to chan in the background before he ended the call.

Seungmin had came home as well so now me seungmin and lee know where trying to get Felix to respond to us when he stood up and walked away, he still wasn't responding to us.

Chan had walked into the house asking for Felix.

"Where is he!?" Chan came in looking at us in panic.

"He just walked away into his bathroom, he still isn't res-" chan cut lee know off running into his bathroom.

Chan pov

I ran into the house looking for Felix right away.

"Where is he?" I asked the boys in front of me.

He just walked into his bathroom, he still isn't res-" I cut Minho off running to the younger boys bathroom.

"Lixie? Baby" I saw him sitting in the floor leaning against his bathtub.

"C-Channie." He definitely is here, mentally. "Hi baby." I went to sit in front of him. I touched his head and he was pretty hot.

"How are you feeling?" He whimpered looking at me with teary eyes "m-my head hurts." I had texted seungmin to bring me a ice pack while I question the boy.

"Why where you sitting on the kitchen floor baby?" He looked at me like a clueless puppy

"I-I don't remember" seungmin just came in the bathroom with a ice pack and thermometer.

His fever wasn't high but it wasn't low.

"Come here baby stand up." Seungmin was helping me get him to his bed. "So does he remember?" I shook my head while raving Felix head to comfort him a bit. "When I asked him about it he just looked at me confused me"

I out my attention back in the boy that is almost asleep

"Lixie? What is the last thing you remember?"

"I was in the kitchen then my legs started to hurt really bad... I don't know know.. I-I'm sorry lixie sorry.." I hugged the boy making him lay down.

"It's okay, just get some sleep and we will go to the doctors tomorrow. Goodnight baby."

Felix had already fallen asleep since his episode had made him pretty sleepy.

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