How it started

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Danielle was born and grew up in a poor and mentally abusive household. Her parents has always been addicted to gambling which caused them to lose every of their possessions. Despite everything, Danielle is still very optimistic and always have a positive outlook on life, she has always been intelligent, there is nothing that she cannot do

At the young age of 15, Danielle has already been working 3 part time jobs to support herself but her parents found out and took all of her savings money. Slowly years after years, she started to have a negative outlook on life, what have she done to deserve this? Due to her family issues, Danielle never had the chance to fall in love with anyone even though she is a pure beauty

Both guys and girls have tried to flirt and capture her heart but none succeed.

When Danielle turned 18, her family is so dirt poor with such a huge amount of debt to pay off, they sold Danielle to a rich 21 years old girl who is said to be the heir of the wealthiest royal family in South Korea

They never had a wedding, as soon as they both signed the paper to officially, legally become married.. well, thats it. Danielle starts to live together with Haerin but they dont even share the same ro0m, hell, they haven't even spoken to each other

Around a week after their marriage, Danielle is sitting at the dining table with maids and butlers standing around, Haerin ordered everyone to treat Danielle sweetly and kindly; like a royal princess. It wasn't hard for them to become fond of Danielle as she is always so sweet and adorable

As Danielle is enjoying breakfast, for the very first time, Haerin has appeared. As the girl walked into the dining hall, Danielle can't help but eye her up and down, she is gorgeous. She has a slim and tall figure, her features are so defined and so cat like

Out of her 18 years of living, this is the first time Danielle has ever seem to have her attention caught by a person. Finally snapped out of it, Danielle stood up to greet Haerin

Haerin looked at the younger girl with a soft smile displayed on her face

"Are the food to your liking?"

Danielle smiled back brightly and nodded, Danielle could feel her heart raced as Haerin stared right into her eyes. Her pearl green eyes look so alluring yet her gaze is so soft towards Danielle

Haerin quickly and quietly left the mansion, Danielle can't help but has her mind full of the taller girl for the rest of the day, she spoke so softly and her smile is so adorable.. Danielle just wishes she could become closer to her

She thinks about how Haerin actually bought her from her family to help them pay off the debt. Yet she is so sweet and hasn't even taken advantage of Danielle, its like the only reason why she bought Danielle was to help her escape and not use her as some sex toys like other rich people do

Danielle can't sleep at all even though its already after midnight, her whole day she couldn't even focus on anything besides Haerin. Finally took her courage, she walked upstairs to the 4th floor to Haerin's room and knocked on the door

After a minute or two, still no answer, she knocked again and wait, still no answer. She grabbed the doorknob and to her surprise, its unlocked. She walked in and the first thing that she notices was the walls of just books and books, her room was nothing special but it smelled like Haerin.

Determined, Danielle sat on the sofa located in the room and wait for her legal wife to come home. She fell asleep, once Haerin arrived home it is already 4 in the morning. Looking at the younger girl asleep on her sofa, she looked in confusion but didn't want to wake her up as she is sleeping so peacefully.

She carefully slid her arms under Danielle's neck and knees to bridal carry her to her bed. She laid Danielle down and tucked her in, she used one of her hand to cupped the other girl's face and using her thumb to caress her cheek

She look at the sleeping girl with adoration in her eyes, she let out a soft smile and whispered to herself

"I finally get to see you again"

When Danielle woke up, she sees Haerin asleep on the sofa while Danielle is comfortably taking the whole king sized bed with warm blankets and soft pillows. She grabbed the blanket and went over to Haerin to cover her up, admiring her beauty, Danielle can't help herself but wanting to kiss her right there and now

These feelings confuses her, she never experienced these before, not even the slightest but there's just something about this girl... her fluffy red lips and pearl green eyes that are shaped exactly cat like

Haerin opened her eyes and the first sight she sees when she woke up was the girl looking at her lips full of lust

She let out a smirk which snapped Danielle back to reality, she panicked and starts to scramble her sentences

"Im so sorry, i didnt mean to- its just you were sleeping so peacefully and- and-"

Haerin grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her in close, her hands pressed against the sofa with Haerin in the middle of the distance between her two arms. Getting lost in her cat eyes, Haerin used her thumb and index finger to softly hold Danielle's chin and lift it up slightly

"Do you want to kiss me?"

Danielle is still a teenager after all and since she never get to experience love, she really wants to know what a kiss feels like. Also getting lost in Haerin's eyes does not help her with thinking straight, her hormones shoots up as she leaned in and close her eyes, ready to kiss

Before their lips could meet, Haerin used her hand to make a wall between their lips and chuckles exited her mouth

"Just kidding."

Danielle jolted up, she turned bright red from embarrassment of what she was thinking of doing

So why were you sleeping in my room?

Oh that.. i was waiting for you to come home and i ended up falling asleep.. im so sorry

Haerin tilted her head slightly and looked in confusion, Danielle thought to herself, damn, she look like an adorable kitten right now which is weird since she is 3 years older than Danielle

I just wanna thank you. Thanks to you im living a good life right now

Ah about that! There's no need to thank me for it, i have my own reasons for it

Why did you choose to marry me? I mean.. you're rich and beautiful, you can have anyone you'd like but instead you marry a poor girl who has nothing special

Haerin stood up and took a few steps towards the younger girl, she slowly blinked and Danielle could see very clearly in her eyes, the soft gaze with adoration quickly turned into a lustful gaze

She grabbed onto Danielle's waist and gave her one soft kiss on the nape of her neck. Just one kiss sent shivers down her spine and she could feel her face getting hot

Haerin whispered softly into the girl's ear

"Because.. i wanted to have you for myself. Just you, only you"

Danielle pushed Haerin off and pouted, she look so much like an angry puppy. Mad but still so adorable

"Do you always enjoy teasing people like this?"

Haerin can't help herself anymore, she bursted out laughing

"Im sorry! I wanted to see how you would react"

"There was no specific reason. I just wanted to get marry"

She lied. Danielle doesn't seem to remember but this isn't the first time they met. They have met before, years ago, Haerin fell in love at first sight and she's been looking for her for years, almost giving up she finally found out about Danielle and her family situation so she paid 2,658,820,000 won (around 2 million USD) just to finally have Danielle to her own

She's not like other people, she doesn't want to approach Danielle because she wants to make her comfortable and take things slow, she don't want to hurt Danielle in any way possible. Even though looking at her makes her wants to kiss Danielle so badly, she stopped her own selfish desires to make sure the other girl is happy and comfortable with her new life

Falling for you ; DAERINWhere stories live. Discover now