Sick poodle

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My eyes slowly opens as I hear sniffles coming from my side. I rubbed eyes due to my vision being blurry from just awoken. I was met with a sniffling poodle on the bed. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked Danielle as I wipe away the few tears on the corner of her eye.

"I missed you.." She mumbled in between her sniffles. "I've been right next to you the whole time, my love." I reassured her and she shook her head. "You didn't cuddle me." She pouted as she extend her arms with grabby hands; signalling me to get into bed with her.

I immediately obeyed, I lay myself down right next to her then proceed to wrap my arms around her body. She quickly made herself comfortable as she snuggle onto my chest. Her temperature is still hot but compare to what it was a few hours ago, it has dropped down drastically.

"Kiss me." She demanded while looking up at me with her big doe eyes. I didn't hesitate to collapse our lips together. Despite being sick, she still tastes like vanilla.

I don't know if it's the mood swings or the side effects of the medicine she took but she's acting so adorably whiny. I love it, she's so needy and pouty right now which is absolutely adorable.

After our kiss ended, I profusely kisses her face which earned a smile from her. She hummed as she goes back into snuggling with me, though, I didn't stop my kisses. I continue to give her multiple kisses on the forehead and the top of her head.

"I want back rubs." She said with her cute pouty tone, I'd seriously do anything for her especially when she talks to me in this tone. I'm still in disbelief that such a cute person exists in this world.

"Whatever you want, princess."


Danielle has been sleeping so peacefully in my arms, she doesn't seem to be wanting to wake up any moment soon but it's almost time for her to take her medicine. I sigh before continuing to give her the back rubs.

I might seriously die because of how adorable she is. This is a first of me seeing this side of her but I love it; I wouldn't mind dealing with this Danielle everyday. I could spoil her with all of the love and time that she wants, anything that my baby wants, she will get it.

I softly tap and shook her shoulders a little for her to wake up from her peaceful slumber. "It's time to take your medicine, Danielle." Her eyelids slowly opens, the pupil gaze at me warmly and her cheeks formed a little pout. I'm trying my best to not squeeze her cheeks right and there and now.

You could say I don't have much self control. I used my thumb and index to pinch her cheeks, it stretches so well and she looks so cute right now. I feel like I might as well just die and resurrect.

I helped her into a sitting position and handed her a glass of water with a singular red pill. She held it in her hand and just before taking it, she opened her mouth to ask me something.

"Do you love me?" I furrowed my eyebrows. What is she talking about?

"I've been head over heels for you for the past three years, ever since I've laid my eyes on you. We're also married, miss Danielle." She nodded her head in approval before taking her medication. This side of Danielle is very adorable and unique, If I could, I'll record all of this to show her when she gets better.

"Good girl."

I take the cup away from her hands to set it down on the stand next to our bed. We flopped ourselves back down onto the mattress, back into the same position that we were previously in.

"When will you give me a child, Haerin?" She asked me in such an innocent tone that I simply cannot fully process what she's talking about.


"I want a child."

"You cannot say that while looking at me with such adorable innocent puppy eyes, Danielle."

"Well, I just did."

"You're Ill, once you get better, maybe we'll have that conversation. That is just a maybe conversation that we might have."

It's been a week, she seriously still has that baby fever. How are we going to have a baby if she's still a baby herself? I sighed in defeat. It's not that I don't like kids, in fact, I love them but I want us to enjoy our life first. Travel to different parts of the world, trying new foods, going on dates together and all of that before we decide to actually take a further step.

"I'm craving pasta." She broke my chain of thoughts. "We can have some later or right now. Which one do you prefer?" She can get whatever she desire at whatever tine she wants. Money and services is never lacking in my home, I simply have everything here that will keep Danielle occupy and happy.

"Later. Can we have it together? I want to share one together, pleaseeee??" She whined while looking up at me with one of the most impressive puppy eyes I have ever seen. I smiled then gave her a gentle peck on the lips.

"Of course, baby." 

She smiled from ear to ear and hummed. She quickly went back into snuggling with me but this time she seems to be full of energy and doesn't want to sleep at all.

"We should make jam drops together!"

"Oo that's a great idea but you already know, I'm horrible in the kitchen."

"Don't worry, I'll help you with it."

We stay in bed together, talking about absolutely everything and anything.

"You know when I was younger I became best friends with this frog in my backyard."

I'm really not surprised, Danielle is always fond of animals and I don't think she's afraid of any even if they look terrifying.

"Did you name it?"

"Yess I named it Frederick!"

"Ohh, for me I saw a frog ate a cherry tomato before that's why I became so obsessed with them."

"No way! You're kidding."

"Nuh uh, princess. The next time I see a frog eating tomato I'll make sure to take a photo for you."

"I look forward to it."

We continue to talk more and more, just enjoying one another's company. Her temperature also seems to reduce so much which I'm very glad. My eyes starts to feel a bit heavy as the conversations go on, it's not because I'm getting bored of it.

You know when you feel so comfortable around a person that you are able to show all of your weak and soft spots to them?

She makes me feel so at ease that my mind just relaxes instantly even if my day or even the whole week was shitty.

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