Meet father

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As Danielle twirls around in Haerin's arms, it is her sign to know that the puppy has awoken from her beauty sleep. "Good morning." Haerin said with a smile on her face as she leaned down to peck Danielle's lips. Giggles exited Danielle's mouth after the kiss. "Good morning, Haerin."

Her voice sounds muted, possibly from the mucus blockage but she looks way better now which makes Haerin much more relieved. "How are you feeling?" She asked as her thumb caresses Danielle's cheek.

"I'm feeling a lot better!" The puppy said with a huge smile on her face which result in Haerin chuckling at the sight.

The two close the distance between their lips, Haerin used her hand to push Danielle's head closer to hers. As the kiss intensifies, slight moans and groans could be heard from the two of them as the kiss continues.

When the kiss was about to turn into something way more intense and sexual, Haerin was the one to stop the gesture. Danielle pouted and frowned as the kiss stops, she try to get Haerin to continue but the kitty would not budge.

"As much as I would love to continue this, it's time for you to eat breakfast and take your medicine."

"Can't we do that after?" Danielle whines as she looks at Haerin with her best displayed puppy eyes that she knows Haerin would always fall for... but apparently not this time.

"Nope. Your health is the priority, my poodle."

"Ugh, but that's such a turn off! Things were about to get good Haerinnnn." Danielle continue to whines.

Haerin display a sly grin before she whispered into Danielle's ear. "I'll make it up for you tonight. Oh baby, I'll treat you so good." Danielle gulped at Haerin's statement, it left her flustered and unable to speak.

Haerin noticed the obvious change in attitude, she decided to tease Danielle. "Oh? Why are you so shy now?" Danielle rolled her eyes and playfully pushed Haerin a little.

"You're so annoying!"

"Im annoyingly adorable."

The couple laugh together as they walk to the bathroom to wash up. Picking up their matching toothbrushes and cups, they started to brush their teeth.

After a while of the two cleaning themselves up and doing their hair. Danielle took out her phone to take a mirror photo of Haerin holding onto her and kissing her cheek. They both shared many love languages and one of them is mirror photos together in the morning.

"I love you, poodle." Haerin said as she place kisses all over Danielle's face.

"I love you too, bobcat!" Danielle responded as she giggle from all of the kisses attack.

Hand in hand, Haerin and Danielle walk out of their bedroom together (after making their bed, of course.) to get to the dining hall for their awaiting breakfast.

"Good morning, my dears." Butler Sam greeted them as they take a seat at the table.

"Good morning, Butler Sam." Haerin and Danielle replied in unison. Soon their breakfast was wheeled out. Soft fluffy buttermilk pancakes, topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of maple syrup. For the sides, the chefs prepared bacon strips and some turkey sausages, along with perfectly seasoned fluffy scrambled eggs.

"Thank you for the food!" They said once again, in unison.

As they continue their breakfast with laughters and stories, an expected guess seems to arrived at the front entrance.

"Hello girls!" It's no other than Haerin's father. His sudden appearance really caught the two in surprise but soon, their confusion was replaced with happiness. The man walk over towards them at the dining table, Danielle stood up to bow at him, showing respect.

"Hello, Mr. Kang. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person." Danielle smiled as she greets him.

"Mr? C'mon, we're family! Just call me dad." The man greeted back at Danielle with an adorable smile on his face that not even Haerin herself has seen.

"You are such an adorable girl, Danielle. I've heard so much about you from Haerin the other day!" The man added as they both take a seat at the table. "If she ever does anything to hurt you, give me a call." He whispered into Danielle's ear. Seems like another person just joined the Danielle's protection squad!

Danielle giggled at the offer before replying to him. "I appreciate the offer but she's a fantastic partner! She treats me very well!"

"See? I treat her amazing, father. You have nothing to worry about." Haerin chimed into the lively conversation. The man rolled his eyes playfully. "You better. Danielle seems too precious to get hurt." He stated which made Danielle smile warmly. She always feels so loved with the people around her ever since she moved here. She would not trade for anything more.

"Here's your plate of food, Mr. Kang. Also, I agree with you, Danielle is very precious and don't worry, we're here to make sure Haerin will treat her magnificently!" Butler Sam reassured as he placed down the plate of food in front of Mr. Kang.

"Thank you, butler Sam! I know I can always place my trust on you."

Haerin responded with a long sigh filled with irritation, she finds it ridiculous that they think she'll ever do something to hurt Danielle. The girl literally takes better care for Danielle than her own self.

"So, you're still a student, correct Danielle?"


"School isn't giving you stress or anything right? You can always reach out to me if something is going on at school."

"Dad! I can do that on my own!" Haerin cut in between their conversation.

"What? I'm just looking out for my daughter in law, can't I do that?" He put up sparkly puppy eyes with a frown as he looks at Haerin which makes Danielle burst out laughing at the sight.

"Ew, don't that again. Only Danielle could pull off that look." Haerin said right away, with no hesitation in her voice. Leaving the man to be embarrassed at himself after it hit him.

"Ahem- you're right."


After a lively breakfast at the dining table, the three went into one of their many living rooms to chat and have some tea.

"How many times have you guys done it?"

The couple both spat out their tea that they were sipping on. "Why would you ask that?" Haerin asked as she continue to cough. Haerin pats Danielle's back to help her with the coughing as it seems like Danielle got it worse.

"I would love a grandchild!" He replied as he smiled widely with his eyes closed and his hands doing small continuously claps.

"No, we're not going to answer that." Haerin said firmly, while Danielle awkwardly smile at him.

"Awe man."

The three of them continue their tea time with lively conversations. It's nice to bond together especially after years of not being able to do so, and for Danielle which was her whole life time up till now. Even if Haerin seems irritated at the man's questions, deep down, both herself and Danielle are very glad that he stopped by to talk to them.

Oh this is going to be a long and interesting day.

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