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As Haerin is brushing her teeth and doing her hygiene care, she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her waist. Haerin softly smiled as she overlap her left hand over Danielle's. The puppy girl bury her head deep into Haerin's back.

"Is anything the matter, my love?" Haerin asked before rinsing her mouth. She turned over to immediately bring Danielle into a hug, profusely kissing her face with a huge displayed smile. "I love you," Danielle finally spoke. "I love you too, baby." The older one replied.


Danielle paused. Haerin softly smiled as she caress the girl's cheeks, waiting for her partner's thoughts to be shared.

"I'm late."

The cat-like girl went blank, simply because she's confused and has absolutely no idea what Danielle could possibly be talking about. "Dani, it's a Saturday, you don't have class, so you can't be late. Unless, you have plans to go somewhere that I'm not aware of." Haerin explained.

Danielle sighed then shook her head. "No dummy! My period is late." Haerin immediately let out a dramatic gasp before holding Danielle up, spinning her around happily. Danielle can't help burst out laughing as well. She didn't know how Haerin would take it and the potential of her bringing another life into the world but seeing her wife so happy by just the thought also makes her happy.

Haerin sets Danielle down then kissed her lips softly. "You're pregnant?? We're going to have a child?? Together???" She asked joyfully with a big bright smile. Danielle chuckled, "I don't know yet, but I think you're too excited about this." She half joked, she did expect Haerin to be supportive and happy if she really is pregnant but never expected the latter to be this happy.

"We should get ready and visit a hospital to get it checked." Haerin suggested to her wife, "Only if you'd want to go, of course." She added. Danielle scrunched her eyebrows together in slight confusion. "I mean, I wouldn't mind but why a hospital? Wouldn't a pregnancy test be enough?" Haerin smiled softly as she warmly kissed the other's forehead. "Yes, but in case it's not a pregnancy, it would be good to know if there's anything wrong with your body."

"Okay," The puppy agreed as she quickly peck her wife's lips lovingly. As Danielle was about to broke off the embrace to change her clothes, Haerin stopped her, hugging her even tighter. "I'll do everything for you, so you don't have to move a finger. I'll dress you and carry you to everywhere you desire to be at.", "Haerin, we don't even know if I'm actually pregnant or not. This is a bit much."

Instead of considering Danielle's words, Haerin picked the girl up bridal way to carefully carry her onto the edge of the bed. "Pregnant or not, I want to. I want to treat you like a queen who only has to nudge her head to command something." Haerin said proudly, making Danielle giggled at the ridiculousness.

"You're not going to listen, will you?" The puppy spoke. "Nope. Also, what would you like to wear, my queen?" Haerin is taking this whole thing seriously, Danielle slightly cringed at the nickname since she's more used to princess but Haerin is definitely unfazed. "Surprise me, baby." Said Danielle.

Haerin grinned as she rummage through their walk in shared closet that they set up together awhile back when they decided to share one room. Danielle keeps her eyes on Haerin as she watches her wife picking out a pair of clothes.

The kitty marched back happily with a knee-length skirt and a sweater. "Your skirt and my sweater. For everyone to know you're my wife." The latter said before kissing Danielle's cheek.

"Are you seriously going to dress me?"
"Yes, you don't have to be embarrassed. I've already seen and felt everything."

Haerin felt a light slap on her shoulder. "Okay now you're gross."


I snuggled deeply into Haerin as we sit together in the backseat. From our way to the car, she insisted to carry me, which was embarrassing! The looks on the butlers and maids were so humiliating but, I think it was so adorable. Haerin always find a way to take care of me and she's always so loving.

"I love you," She spoke, breaking off the comfortable silence between us. I smiled as I felt her kisses on the top of my head. "I love you too." I answered. "Should we revise baby names?" She suggested. I can't help but laugh, Haerin seems to be too deeply dwelled into the fact that I could be pregnant.

"Okay, what's your ideas?" I decided to go along with her excitement. "Daniella is definitely the top one, but I think Haebin and Haenelle would be really adorable as well." I giggled softly as I snuggled deeper into her, making myself comfortable, engulfing our scent together.

Her hands lightly taps on my back and shoulders, bringing me comfort and love. "We're arriving, m'ladies." Said the driver. I frown slightly, I just got myself comfortable too!

As expected, Haerin helped me out of the car then immediately carried me. "Haerin, no! Let me walk on my own, this is in public!" She frowned before putting me down, I let out a sigh. She can be too much and dramatic at times.

We firmly hold our hands together as we walk into the hospital.

As we get into the room, I took a seat while Haerin stay standing with her hand still softly holding onto mine, never letting go. I smiled at how protective she is.

"Well hello miss Danielle and miss Haerin, my name is Dr. Song Yuqi, and I'll be assisting you today." I smiled as I greeted her. Haerin and Dr. Song exchanged handshakes. "Okay so, I understand your concern and I'll just be asking you some questions, okay?" The middle aged woman softly spoke. "Okay." I replied.

"Have you experienced any nausea or headaches or body pain aches lately?" I thought carefully before answering. "Only sometimes I get headaches, I haven't experienced body pain or nausea, doctor." She nodded as she jolt down some notes onto a piece of paper. "Okay, have you been feeling anxious lately?" Hmmm, anxious? "Kind of, but not very often." Dr. Song nodded.

"No questions will be as accurate as a validated test. May you urinate into this cup, miss Danielle?" She said as she hand me a specimen cup. Haerin exchanged reassuring glances before helping me get to the bathroom (I don't need any help, she's just dramatic.)

I did what I had to do then handed the cup to one of the nurses before walking back into the room, waiting for my results. I could feel my heart beating hastily, almost as if my heart would burst out of my chest.

My eyes dart quickly to Dr. Song as soon as the door opened. She gave me a reassuring smile. "Mrs. Kang, you're not pregnant. It seems you're just a bit anxious so your hormones aren't regulated. This is completely normal for young adult years and make sure you stay healthy for a healthy life." I looked down at my feet. Part of me is disappointed as I was very happy of the fact that me and Haerin would bring a mini combined version of us into the world. She must be crushed, she seemed to be so happy too.

Dr. Song stayed with us for a few moments before exiting. A pair of soft hands cupped my cheek to bring my gaze forward. Her soft fluffy lips brushed against mine.

"You did well, baby." Her face is displayed with a warm and reassuring smile. "Are you disappointed? That I'm not pregnant.." Haerin shook her head. "Why would I be disappointed? My love for you would never change. Yes, kids would be awesome but we don't need to rush anything. No matter what happens, I'll always love you and be by your side." She explained before kissing me once again.

I finally let out a soft smile. "Thank you, baby. I really do love you." She chuckled. "I love you too, my love. Also I was a bit surprised cause I know my pull-out game is quite strong." I immediately slapped her arm.

"Seriously? At a hospital?" I joked while laughing.

Whatever happens will happen. Just for now, we'll enjoy time together with just the two of us.

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