I'm here

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I slowly pats Danielle on the back as I watch her sleep. The medicine kicked in which result in her being tired and falling asleep. Though, she does seem to be looking a lot better than how she was previously.

I kissed the top of her head then smiled. How could someone so adorable exist in this world? I've already planned my whole life with her in the picture, I promise that no matter what obstacles come at us, we will go through it together. I'm going to keep this person with me till the day I die.

She shifted slightly in my arms just to snuggle deeper into my chest. As much as I love cuddling with her, I'm starting to get really thirsty and the maids already put away the tea that they prepared earlier.

I carefully try to get my arms unwrapped around her body and move only a slight centimetre at a time to not wake her up. Just when I was almost released from our embrace, the puppy woke up.

She looks at me with a big frown on her face and she look like she would burst into tears at any moment. "Don't go.." her voice slightly quivered lowly that it breaks my heart.

I quickly got back into bed with her and hold onto her body tightly. "Don't leave" she mumble onto my chest as she sulk silently. I once again pat her back then tilt her head up to look at me directly.

"I promise I'm not going anywhere, Danielle." I reassured her then close the distance between our lips. The kiss is sweet and soft, it was wonderful. Every single time that we kiss, we touch, whenever we're together, it is filled with pure love.


"I promise."

She faintly smiled at me which also makes me smile. "I really have to drink some water though." Danielle looked at me for a moment then nodded.

Never once letting go of her hand, I got out of bed first and then help her to stand up. Her body is weak because of the flu but I'm glad she's getting better and manage to stand.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I offered and she shook her head. "I can walk on my own."

With one hand holding onto hers and the other holding onto Danielle's waist just to make sure that she won't lose her balance and fall; it could be really dangerous with all of these stairs.

Once we finally got down to the kitchen, I grabbed a glass then filled it up with water. I offered Danielle to drink some first and she agreed, always having to stay hydrated!

After she drink the water, I refill the cup to drink it myself. I did all of this while still holding onto her hand, I'm never going to pull away. Well maybe if one of us has to use the bathroom then yeah we would pull apart.

After putting my cup into the sink, I pull her into a warm hug. I just love how perfectly our bodies and curves fit together. Every time we hug it's like fitting two puzzle piece together, it's very fascinating. She rests her head in the cradle of my neck and let out a small hum which sounds similar to a small puppy squeal.

"You guys really love to be intimate in the kitchen, don't you?"

We both jerked our head in unison, looking at the door which stands miss Elizabeth. She giggle a little to herself while looking at us. Despite her appearance, I went back to hugging Danielle.

I will always be proud to be with her, I would never hide our love for each other so showing it in front of the workers at home is no big deal for us.

"Are you hungry?" I whispered into her ear and she shook her head. "I'm okay." I nodded in response. Soon after, we went back to our room but this time I'm carrying her bridal style. During our way, she whispered an I love you to me which made me smile and blush a little.

I love you more than anything and everyone my dear.

Just as I place her down onto the mattress she sneezed. "Achoo!" Her sneeze is so small and cute that it reminds me of a little puppy. I chuckle a little then reaches for a tissue to wipe her nose. "Twank ywoouuu!" Her voice sounds muffled and scrambled which made me laugh. Danielle is such a puppy, it's insane.

I throw away the tissue in my hand into the small trashcan next to our next stand. As I was about to get back into bed she stopped me. "Part two?" She asked me with her big brown doe eyes. Part two? What is she talking about? I tilted my head slightly while looking back at her in confusion.

She responded back at me with a smile then stood up, dragging me by the hand to our balcony.

Danielle sets our position to the same dancing position as we were in when we were in the rain. I smiled widely at her and take the initial step. Once again, we're dancing together, but this time it's under the moonlight.

We slowly dance together with huge smiles smeared on our faces. I know we're both still very young but time feels rewinded back to the moment we met each other. A golden love that we will cherish forever.

I don't want to look at anything else now that I saw you. I don't want to even think of anything else now that I've thought of you, Danielle.

Her pale skin shines beautifully under the glow of the moonlight, which brightens up her naturally red, heart-shaped lips. Her smile lures me in every time. I know that I would even kill for her to always continue smiling.

"You dance great, darling." She said as she does a little twirl. "I guess we just fit together perfectly." I responded back at Danielle before pulling her by the hand back to me, pressing our bodies and lips together.

"I'm very deeply in love with you, Danielle." She chuckled then place a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I love you more."

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