Happy Home (Sequel.)

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Four years have passed.

Danielle is currently in the bathroom, with a pregnancy test. She anxiously waits for it to show an accurate result. The clock ticks by slowly before two lines become visible. Danielle immediately screamed in happiness, attracting attention from the maids and workers at home.

"Miss Danielle? Is everything alright?" Asked Mrs. Elizabeth as she rushed into the bathroom along with the others. Danielle ran towards everyone available to bring them all into a group hug. "I'm pregnant!" Everyone awed in unison as they all embrace each other.

"Miss Haerin should be home in a few minutes, I'm sure she would shoot over the roof with this fantastic news!" Butler Sam said as he lightly patted the girl's head. Speaking of the devil, Danielle heard the front door open from all the way downstairs. Without a second thought, she rushed downstairs, not caring if she would trip or not.

"Haerinnnnn!" Danielle whined before jumping onto Haerin, wrapping her legs around the latter's waist. Haerin used her arms to hold onto Danielle's hips, supporting their balance and safety. The puppy profusely placed kisses all over Haerin's face which caused her to giggle.

"I missed you too, baby," Haerin said before attacking her wife with kisses like how she just received.


Danielle repeated her wife's name but in a lower tone this time, it resulted in Haerin letting out a few chuckle.

"Yes, baby?"
"Will your love for me ever get divided?"
"No, of course not! I'll continue to love you more and more every single moment."

Danielle, feeling satisfied with the answer, she pressed their lips together as she cup Haerin's cheeks. Continue kissing each other passionately, Haerin carefully make their way up the stairs. She had memorised the layout of this mansion so walking up the stairs with her eyes closed is no big deal.

Feeling a bit awkward at the sexual tension between the two, the workers in the mansion didn't dare to bother them. Haerin made sure to lock the bedroom door before she softly placed Danielle down onto the mattress. Danielle lays in between the distance of Haerin's arms while she support her body, not wanting to press her weight onto Danielle.

The two softly collide their forehead together; their eyes being shut closed. Both of their faces are covered in smiles.

"Yes, Danielle?"

Danielle paused for a moment. She used her hands to cupped Haerin's cheeks before giving her a quick peck on the lips, resulting in Haerin opening her eyes to lovely gaze into the other's eyes. They softly smiled at each other.

"I'm..." The poodle whispered. Haerin patiently wait for Danielle to finish her sentences, having no clue what could happen. Danielle took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant."

Haerin, staring blankly at Danielle while she process the information. "You what!?" She half screamed. The kitty smile brightly, softly pulling Danielle up into a sitting position. "You're pregnant? Did you take a test??" She asked quickly out of excitement. Her eyes are sparkling as her mouth is wide open, forming a huge curve.

"Yes, bobcat. I took a test! We're going to be parents!" Danielle replied excitedly. Haerin pulled the girl into her arms, hugging her tightly. "We're going to have a family of our own!" She said, kissing Danielle's forehead.

A few years passed by..

"Daddy!" The little girl run towards Haerin with all of her might. Haerin squat down with her arms extending to its fullest, waiting for the little girl to run into her arms. "Daniella!" Exclaimed Haerin as she profusely kisses the girl's face. Daniella giggle happily at the kisses.

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