Intense night

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I looked over at Danielle after we waved my father goodbye after he spent the whole day with us. It was nice to have him over and seeing your father and your wife bonding together is a very sweet and precious thing to see.

I carefully wrapped my arms around her waist then pull her body to collide with mine. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck in response. We locked our eyes together, just enjoying each other's company. Her eyes pull me in every time, those big brown doe eyes that look like a million stars in the sky every time I stare into it.

I hope I never lose you, that's the kind of heartbreak time will never be able to mend.

"I love you so much, Danielle." I whispered softly, just enough for the two of us to hear. She smiled warmly at me before reciprocating my confession. "I love you too, Haerin." Danielle leaned her face closer to mine until our lips are pressed against each other.

The kiss is sweet and as her tongue intertwine with mine, I could feel a million butterflies swarming around in my stomach. My heartbeat starts to increase every second and my body tingle at her very touch.

A small frown formed on my lips as she pull away, a few streaks of saliva formed as our tongues pull apart. Slowly, it fell down.

She used her right hand to cupped my cheek and using her thumb to caresses it. "Is there anything wrong, my love?" Her voice is soft and warm. I shook my head slowly. "I just thought about how much life has gotten better ever since I've met you. Danielle, you make life worth living."

She rests her head inside the cradle of my neck and we hugged each other tightly. "I love you more than anything, you're the brightest star at night, and the greatest prize I've gotten." I said as I runs my hand up and down her back.

I seriously love this girl so much. I'll never let go, she's the only person in this entire universe that has ever made me feel this way. I also know she's the only person who could make me feel this way.

A few chuckle escaped her lips. "You're still such a cheesy person but I love it." She replied. We stayed in that position for quite a long time before an idea popped into my mind.

I puts my arms under the locks of her knees and neck to bridal carry her up into our bedroom. Her face is very visibly confused but she smiled right after.

"What is this for?" She asked innocently and her eyes sparkle like a puppy. I slyly smirked before giving her a small peck on the lips. "I'm a person of my words."

She still looks confused. I find it very adorable and cute at how innocent she is. Oh my love, it's going to be a long night for us.

After we get into the room, I kept the lights off but turned on the small lamp in the corner, keeping the room to be dimmed, just enough for us to see each other's faces vaguely.

I placed her down at the edge of the bed then leaned in to take her tongue into my mouth. Our previous kiss was innocent and this one is not, the kiss is intense as our tongues fight for dominance. Her back slowly leaned back and I used my arms to support both of our bodies.

A few groans escaped my lips whenever there's a gap in between our lips for a split second. A few saliva rolls down the corner of her mouth as our kiss continues. I used one of my hand to rubs her hips and before it continue any further, I stopped the kiss and my motion.

"Do you want to continue?" I asked her, softly, making sure I have her consent first before we continue to the further step. She nods her head, her face and ears being flushed with a bright red colour.

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