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I slowly open my eyes from the sunshine directly shining into my eyes. I thought I kept the curtain closed last night. I looked down at the fragile girl laying inside my arms, sleeping soundlessly. I squeezed her tightly and kisses the top of her head.

"Morning my sunshine." I said as she moved slightly inside my grasp. She yawned before looking up at me and flashed me a smile. "Good morning, I love you." I smiled before responding back.

"I love you more." I whispered then placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She snuggled deeper into my chest, I smile widely to myself.

"I love you so so so much, you're the most gorgeous person ever and the cutest girl in the entire universe."

She chuckled softly. "You're being so cheesy already? We just woke up, Haerin."

"So? I'm going to express my love for you every hour."

Danielle slowly pressed our lips together. The kiss is so sweet and beautiful, I'd do anything to be able to kiss these lips forever. I frowned as she pull away, ending our kiss.

"I have to go soon."
"Can't you skip?"
"Haerin, I've been missing a lot of classes already, I can't skip anymore."

I quietly sulk as I hold onto her tighter, burying my head into the cradle of her neck. "I don't want to be away from you." I mumbled softly, she runs her fingers shuffling through my hair which makes me feel like I could easily fall asleep all over again.

After a few minutes of cuddling, we finally decide to get out of our bed. "My body is so sore, Haerinnnnn." She whines as she looks up at me and makes grabby hands. I smile as I hold onto her body and help her get up.

"I got you, darling." I reassured as I hold onto her waist, making sure her feet are stable. "Where did all of the energy go when you were screaming my name last night?" She gasped loudly then rolled her eyes at my teasing. "Look what you did to me. Take responsibility!" She playfully replied.

I chuckled before using my free hand to move her head slightly away, exposing her neck which is covered in hickeys and bite marks. I move my lips towards the small part of her skin that isn't touched and slowly suck on it.

I smirk as I could hear a soft moan from her lips. Slowly, I pull my lips apart from her neck, admiring the fresh new hickey that I've just created. I dart my eyes to her face and she's pouting, hard. "It's going to be so hard to cover all of these marks up!"

"Don't cover them up, simple." I replied. She playfully pushed my shoulders. "I cannot go to school with all of these. I would seriously get bullied!"


"Have a good day, poodle. Call me if something happens." She leaned in to softly peck my lips before pulling away. "I love you." She smiled warmly. "I love you too." I softly spoke with a smile smeared on my face.

I watches as she walks into the huge building. Oh if you think I'm going to drive home and patiently waits then you're wrong. I've already created a whole plan this morning while waiting for her to use makeup to cover up those marks.

I'm going to disguise as a student and follow her around campus. I've gotten a pair of clothes in the trunk, this is going to be perfect.

I went into my car to change into the outfit that I brought and put on a cap so it would cover my face, I put on a backpack to blend in with everyone else.

I walk into the entrance to the campus, this place is outstanding! Fuck, I didn't really think this through, how could I be able to find where Danielle is? I walk around awkwardly until someone bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry!"
"No it's fine."
"Im so- wait.. Haerin!? What are you doing here?"

It's Minji. One of the members in Danielle's protection squad. I knew they were all friends but I didn't expect to see her at this school.

"Minji? You're a student here?"
"Yeah! But why are you here?"
"I just.. you know, I wanna see Danielle."

I could see her trying her best to contain her laughter, the girl looks like her face is going to burst open considering how red it looks.

"Me and Danielle have the same classes, you can just follow me!" She enthusiastically offered then starts to walk away. I follow behind her at a distance so It doesn't seem too obvious. Minji is kind and all but I'm not good with socialising at all! How can Danielle do this so easily?

After around a minute or two, we finally reached a lecture hall. She went inside first and soon I also entered, trying my best not to raise any suspicions. In the corner of my eyes, I see Danielle and her friends chatting happily at the front corner, I took a seat a few rows behind them to get a good look but not too close.

I smile as I secretly admire Danielle from afar. How is it possible for someone to have such a beauty? Her hair perfectly falls down like dominos, her glistening glowing pale skin, her bright smile that makes my heart instantly melts. On top of that, the girl is incredibly intelligent. She memorised all of the formulas and answer every question with great confidence.

Damn, I'm so lucky to have her. I love you so much, Danielle.

I admire Danielle and how perfect she is so much that class is starting to wraps up. Already!? I just want to sits here and look at her from afar all day long.

Though, kissing her and cuddling with her would be way better.

I kept my distance between me and Danielle as she walks and chatting with her friends. Suddenly, a tall slim girl approached them, I tried to move closer to eavesdrop.

"Danielle, will you go out with me?"

What the fuck? This bitch. Who does she thinks she is? Danielle is wayy out of her league and she's literally mine, asshole!

"Wonyoung, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm taken."

"Please, Danielle. Give me a chance, I've been chasing you since we were in middle school? Don't you think I deserve a chance? At least go on a date with me."

Why is she so persistent? No means no! She's in a relationship, why can't you respect that!? I feel my blood boils as I see their conversation continuing. Fuck it. I whispered under my breath before I speed walk to where they are.

I gently grabbed onto Danielle's arm then pull her away. I looked into her face which is a mixture of confusion and shock, nevertheless, she didn't stop and let me drag her to wherever.

I entered the library and luckily it was empty. We went deep into the book shelves; a small corner surrounded by thick books.

"Haerin? What are you doing here?" Danielle whispered. I looked down to see our hands are still intertwining. I'm already busted and it hasn't even been two hours since I've arrived.

"I just want to make sure you're okay and I didn't want to wait to be able to see you."

"So stalking me was a good idea?" She chuckled softly. I let out a defeated sigh as I lower down my head. "Im sorry." I mumbled. She squeezed my hand tightly before pushing me against the book shelf, smashing our lips together.

"Oh you're naughty for following me around." She teased and I could feel a smirk on her lips as we quietly make out.

"Oh, Dani. You're way naughtier for skipping class to make out with me in the library."

Falling for you ; DAERINWhere stories live. Discover now