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"Achoo!" Danielle sneezed. It's possibly from her soaked clothes. Haerin, you need to do something quick! Danielle will be ill if you don't find a solution! I quickly sealed our lips together and intertwine my tongue with here.

"What was that for?" She asked while giggling once our kiss ended.

"I thought that maybe if I kiss you enough, I'll be the one who gets sick instead of you."

"Haerin, you're crazy." She giggled and I smile back in response. I stood up with her hand intertwining with mine as I help her stand up as well. "Crazy? Im crazy in love with you, Danielle." I said and she made a fake disgusted face as she smile from ear to ear. "You're so cheesy."

"My car is parked at the high school. On the count of three, let's make a run for it." I suggested and she at first looked at me like I'm an alien from outer space but soon nodded in approval. "Okay." She answered.


We started running side by side in the rain together, our hands never parting from each other. We run and run and run. Luckily for us, the school isn't crazy far away. At this point, our clothes are soaked. I was about to open the door for her but she stopped me. Her arms wrapping around my neck which caused me to wrap mine around her waist. Her face being inches away from mine before we shared one, sweet and genuine kiss.

Once the kiss ended, she did a little courtesy before extending her hand out to me. "Shall we dance, miss Haerin?" This girl is nuts.. but so am I. "It would be my greatest pleasure, miss Danielle." I answered her as I accept her suggestion. I placed my left hand on her hips and she placed her right hand on my shoulder and our free hands soon enough intertwine together.

1,2,3,1,2,3. We started off slowly by just making a few steps from side to side until we both gotten the hang of it. This girl is a natural, her body moves freely with such elegance. I took dance classes when I was younger but I'd say, Danielle is way better than me at this.

We sway around together in the rain as the water rolls down our face and drip down to our necks. Though, in the moment we don't seem to notice anything else rather than just us. We would do a little hop here and there as we dance in the rain together. Seconds turn to minutes, and minutes simply turn to hours. We finally end our dance with our lips being sealed together.

I love the way she tastes; every time we kiss I could taste a hint of vanilla. I don't know why she tastes that way but I'm not complaining.

"Ready whenever you are, miss." I said as I keep the door open for her to get in. She giggled before getting into the seat. I leaned in to put the seatbelt on for her and gave her a quick peck before I run to the driver's side and get in myself.

"I guess we'll both get sick now."

"It was worth it." I said before turning on the engine to drive away.

The traffic seems to be cleared up due to the rain. I drive with one hand while my other is on Danielle's thigh as her hand placed on top of mine. I would occasionally tease her by caressing her inner thigh. Her face would turn bright red as she try to hide it away by I can still see from the reflection on the car window.


Once we arrived back home, I walked over to her side to help her out of the car. Despite the butler holding an umbrella for us, we dashed up the stairs by ourself, getting our clothes soaked once again. We laugh hysterically when I got inside the house, laughing while panting heavily from running... it feels great to do simple things with the person you love the most.

The maids and butlers rushed over to us with towels to dry us off. With towels wrapped around our bodies, I hastily pick up Danielle to bridal carry her into the bedroom. "You're a very gentlewoman, bobcat." She placed her hands on the surface of my chest as I carry her. "Only when it comes to you, poodle." I placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose then smiled.

I carefully set her down before quickly going through the closet for two pair of clothes for us to change into.

"Shower with me." She asked.. well more like demanded.


"You know.. to save time, if one of us shower and make the other wait, the other one will get sick and cold."

"Theres roughly 100 bathrooms in our mansion, Danielle."

"Haerin. Im saying I want us to shower together."

My mouth stupidly formed an "O" shaped as I finally understand what she's trying to say. "Okay, let's go then." I grabbed her hand and we walk into the bathroom. I set down our clothes on the counter before I help Danielle take off her clothes as she does the same for me.

Once our clothes are fully off, I look over to see her avoiding eye contact with me as her cheeks and ears are flushed with a bright red colour. I gave her a playful kiss on the neck as a smirk formed on my lips. A soft and quiet moan exit her lips as she shiver from the kiss. "Oh baby, we've done something way more intense. Don't tell me you're embarrassed, right now." I teased and she tried to push me away but once again, she's not strong enough to do so.

The hot water felt nice as it hits my body. I apply soap to my hands and started to massage Danielle's head as bubbles and foam started to form. She also did the same thing for me, we joke around as we form shapes with our hair that's now mouldable from the soap. "Haerin, you look like a sheep!" She laughed while pointing at me. "And you look like you just grew dog ears!"

After a while of playing around in the shower, we finally finished. I wipe down her body carefully, making sure it's dry and wrapped the towel around her body, then soon did the same thing for myself.

We take turns to blow dry each other's hair. Her hair became so much more frizzy and fluffy after the blow dry. I pull her closer to me by the hips to kiss her. "My adorable poodle." I mumbled in between the kisses. "My flirtatious bobcat." She purred. I put my hand under her shirt to caress her abdomen with my fingers as our kiss continue.

We both were panting heavily as the kiss ended, she smiled then lay her head on my chest. We stayed like that for a while, in comfortable silence before I broke it. "Have you eaten yet?" I asked her softly while running my fingers across her back. She shook her head which caused me to frown a little. "Why didn't you eat?" I asked worriedly, she needs to take better care of herself.

"I missed you too much to have an appetite." She answered. I kiss the top of her head gently then took her hand in mine to walk ourselves down into the kitchen. "What do you want to eat, Danielle?" I asked the girl standing next to me. "Hmm.... grilled cheese and tomato soup." She answered with a childish smile on her face that I adored so much.

"Okay! You heard her, head chef Lucas!" The head chef nodded with a smile on his face then proceeded to make the meal for us. I'm very glad that everyone at home adore and enjoy having Danielle around; that girl is a ball of sunshine that will never fail to make you smile.

"You know, I'm surprised you never had a partner before me." I asked her.

"Hm? I had many people chased after me but my heart only ever loved one person." She leaned in to kiss my cheek. "And it's you." She added.

"How many partners did you have before me?" She asked with a hint of jealousy and curiosity mixed in her voice. "Don't tell me you're jealous of my past relationships." I teased. She playfully punched my shoulder. "I'm not! Why would I be?" She rolled her eyes.

"I've never had a relationship before you, just a few hookups." It was subtle but I see her biting the inside of her cheek, she only does this if she ever feels jealous. I grabbed her hand into my grasp and used my thumb to caress it.

"You have nothing to worry about, Danielle. It was ages ago. You're the only one I've ever had feelings for. I promise, I'll do anything to make sure we both feel secure in our relationship. I want you to know every part of me and my past as I do the same with you."

I look into her eyes with sincerity. Her eyes starts to glisten as she form a warm smile. "I know, Haerin. I love and trust you more than anyone in the universe."

Falling for you ; DAERINWhere stories live. Discover now