Life is best when its with you (END.)

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Her soft hands cupped my face as we passionately kiss each other. Her thumbs slowly caresses my cheek, causing me to smile through our kiss. I could see a frown on her face as I was the first to pull away.

"I want more kisses." She demanded as her cheeks puffed into a pout. "You're so needy." I rolled my eyes in pretend annoyance. "Won't you ever get tired of me?" She let out a small gasped. "Of course not! I'll never be able to get tired of you, It's more like I cannot ever get enough of you." I giggled.

Me and Haerin are currently at the lake house that we visited before. We planned a nice quiet weekend for ourselves since the city is a bit hectic. Plus, it's really is just an excuse for us to have each other to ourselves.

"I love you."

I smiled softly. "I love you too."

She laid down on her side with one arm out for me to rest my head on. I snuggle closer to her body. My lips formed a faint smile as I realise how fast her heart is beating. Her arms softly wrapped around my body in a comforting way. "What would you like to do today?" Haerin asked as she runs her hands across my back.

"Hmmm, I want to stay in your arms and just chat." She giggled before kissing my cheek. "We can do that. What would you like to chat about?" Seeing my opportunity to tease have came, I took it. "Why are you being nervous?" I giggled as I put my ear by her chest, listening to the continuous beats.

I can tell it took Haerin by surprised. It took her awhile before she could talk again. "Well, I don't know. My heart just goes crazy whenever I see you. But it's not a discomfort type of nervous." She answered. I looked up to see the kitty's face being flushed with a bright pink colour.

Suddenly, she pushed me out then put her head on my chest as she listen to my heartbeat. I heard a tongue click. "Missy, do you hear your own heartbeat? It's going as crazy as mine is. You are not the one to talk!" Haerin scrunched her eyebrows together.

"You caught me, baby," I said before pecking her lips. Haerin, being the big baby that she is, rolled her eyes at me. I moved face to face with her. Her soft hands tuck a thin strands of hair behind my ear.

"You know, Haerin." My hand cupped the side of her cheeks. "Never in my life would I believe that I'll ever get to experience such love, until I met you. You always show how proud you are to be with me, and you've done nothing but be there for me and show me an endless amount of love. Thank you." I confessed. She slowly lean in towards me.

Our lips pressed together softly. Our tongues dance together being the perfect accompaniment. Her smile being so soft and gentle. Every movement she does, every time she touches me. I'm addicted to her.

"Danielle, whenever there's an obstacle in your way, you always manage to overcome it. You fight with a smile, you're the strongest person I've ever met. You tend to hide your feelings and fight alone. That's why I'm here now. You'll always have me by your side, I'll always be with you through endless hardships and sunshine."

I smiled. So hard.

"You really Is the best wife ever, did you know that?" I asked. "How can I be the best when you're the best?" Bobcat replied almost instantly which made me chuckle.

We positioned ourselves into a sitting position. I straddle myself onto her lap. Her arms are wrapped around my waist as I wrap mine around her neck. "Did you know? The first time we made love is on this exact bed." I said, bringing up our memories from the first night. "Yeah? Of course I know that. Ever since then I've been addicted to your body being pressed against mine." She answered. We both smile widely.

I pressed my forehead against hers. Our nose touching. We stayed in comfortable silence. The whole world stopped, it's just us. Everything is so peaceful and quiet, so quiet that I could hear our breathing and the beats of our hearts syncing up.

Suddenly, she stood up with me in her arms. She bridal carry me out of our bedroom. "What are you doing?" A few giggled exit my lips.

"You'll see."

She walked through the glass door, leading us into a beautiful garden filled with grape vines and flowers. The atmosphere is dark, the only light source being the multiple lamps outside as well as the light from the lake house. She set me down on a swing where I see a bed of roses on the ground forming a huge red heart.

She kneeled down on one knee then bring out a navy blue coloured ring box. As she open the box, I could see two rings side by side, made out of flowers. A confused yet very happy expression washed over me.

"Danielle June Marsh, will you marry me?"

I chuckled. "Haerin, we are married." The kitty shook her head. "I'm aware, but I never got the chance to kneel down and propose to you. So, miss Danielle Marsh, would you be so kind to make me the happiest woman ever by being my wife?"

A few tears rolled down my face as I profusely smile. "Yes, Haerin. I would love to be your wife... forever." She slid one of the flower ring onto my finger, next to our wedding rings. She put the ring on her finger as well then put her hand next to mine. Each of us has two rings, matching with each other for both sets.

"That's not all." She said before rushing to bring out a big bouquet of paper flowers, each petals consist of handwritten letters. In the middle of the bouquet, I see a polaroid photo of us and one perfectly folded envelope.

I sobbed as I hold onto the bouquet of flowers. She smiled softly before bringing my face close, kissing me deeply in the most gentle way ever.

"Dani." Her voice is so soft and filled with genuine affection. "Yes?" I answered, my voice quivered from my sobs.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

I smiled.

The end.

Thank you so much to everyone who read this story. A huge thank to everyone who showed any sign of support towards this story. I'm very happy that we shared this journey together.

This is my first story so it was messy but still, thank you for reading this. I'm sorry for any mistakes that occurred.

And don't forget, there's a sequel chapter too!

Falling for you ; DAERINWhere stories live. Discover now