Misunderstood / I only love you

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Danielle is still sleeping so peacefully, throughout the night never once has she release herself from my embrace. She would snuggle up deeper into my chest here and there, I would occasionally lightly tap her back, fuck, I adore her way more than I thought I do

She's sleeping so comfortably I don't want to wake her up but I'd have to go to work soon. Well maybe going to work late every once in awhile isn't a bad thing plus I don't have any important thing to do anyway

I ended up cuddling with her till 10am, it's way past the time that I would usually go to work. I kissed her forehead softly before carefully removing my arms around her not wanting to wake her up, I stood up and quietly tiptoed out of her room. Before walking out I looked back at the sleepy beauty and a warm smiled drawn on my face, "I'll miss you" I whisper to myself before leaving her room


I rubbed my eyes as I wake up, where did Haerin go? Wait what? Why have I been thinking about her so much? Oh fuck.... My ears and cheeks flushed bright red as I remembered what happened yesterday, I kissed her. Not once but twice! I also asked her to sleep with me cause I was scared to be alone, how embarrassing is that?? I facepalmed from embarrassment that I'm feeling towards myself

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time, it's already 11:40! Cuddling with her was so comfortable that I ended up sleeping for 12 hours straight, I want to sleep in her arms again. At times I could feel her rubbing my back and planting kisses on the top of my head, she's so caring and gentle that it makes my heart fluster

I cleaned myself up and change into a fresh pair of clothes, it's starting to get really cold. I was greeted by Elizabeth, she's one of the oldest maids in the house, from what I've heard, she has been working for the Kang family ever since Haerin's dad was born!

Hello Danielle, how did you sleep last night?

She smiled softly at me

I slept great! How about you?

I'm glad your sleep was favorable, mine was also great, thank you honey. Since you woke up late, can you bring lunch for miss Haerin? I packed two lunches so you guys can enjoy it together!

Of course!!

She smiled warmly at me and handed me a basket filled with food. One of the drivers are kindly enough to drive me to Haerin. I love my life. If you were to tell me 3 months ago that these words would come out of my mouth I would've laughed into your face. Everyone is always so kind and genuine to me, they treat me like an actual family member, we all share such a warm bond that I've never gotten to have before well maybe besides my best friend, Hanni

My jaw dropped as I arrived, this place is huge! It seem like I would never be able to explore this whole place even if I tried to, the inside is decorated beautifully with white interior and gold finishes. I walked up to the front desk with my head still moving around to look at the place

"Hello Im Sandra, may I know your name and what you're here for?" She asked me in a soft and elegant tone. "Oh hello I'm Danielle M- it's Danielle Kang, and I'm here to bring Haerin her lunch" I need to start getting used to this, I keep forgetting that we're married and I'm Danielle Kang now, not Danielle Marsh anymore. "Ah of course! Mrs. Kang's office is on the 12th floor and you would know right away since there's only her office on that floor!"

I thanked her and nodded, she was so nice that it made me smile. I used the elevator to get to the 12th floor, I was greeted by a couple bodyguards at the front desk and they pointed me to go down a hallway and that I would see Haerin's office there. I hum as I walk towards her office, the pathway is decorated with plants and art pieces, omg this is so beautiful!

I was about to open the door but before I could do so, a taller blonde woman walked out while her trouser are messed up and some of the buttons are unbuttoned. She smiled at me before walking away. I feel like my whole world just crashed down. My body felt numb and tears started swelling up in my eyes. What was she doing in Haerin's office?

I squat down putting the basket on the floor and covered my face with my palms. I can't help it anymore, tears are rolling down my face. It's so weird, even though my parents has said worse things to me I never cared enough to feel hurt but now I'm crying like a baby because It feels like I just got cheated on

I hear the door opened but I couldn't bother to look, I could feel her arms wrapped around me tightly as one of her hand caresses my hair, "Dani, what's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you here?" This familiar soft and sincere voice is no other but Haerin


Haerin bursts into laughter after I told her why I was here and crying outside of her office, "YOU THOUGHT I HAD AN AFFAIR WITH KARINA?? HAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE SO ADORABLE DANI! SHE SPILLED COFFEE ON HER SHIRT SO I LEND HER MY CLOTHES!" I pouted, how was I supposed to know that?? She's still laughing so much ugh! I turned around and look away

She pulled me in to hug me while still laughing her ass off. This is so embarrassing, I literally cried over nothing! She spun me around to face her but I still try to avoid looking directly into her eyes, she pouted a little "Danielle, look at me" she pleaded but Im not going to give in this easily

She cupped my face and kissed me softly, I can't resist anymore, every time her soft lips is on me I want to feel it more and more. I feel a bit sad once our kiss ended. "You're finally looking at me" gosh her smile, it lures me in every time

She hugged me tightly, "Dani, trust me when I say this, I'll never cheat on you or even lay eyes on another person" I held onto her closely, she smells so nice and just her presence bring me happiness

I think I fell for her



"The food was so good!" I watched her smile as she finishes the last bit of her food, having her around has made everyone's mood to be happier. Everyone at home seem to adore her a lot which I'm glad, there's just something about her that makes you smile non stop when you're with her, she's good at engaging in conversations without trying and the way she talks is just so smoothly

I pinned her down onto the sofa, she looks up at me with her innocent puppy eyes, we shared a tender kiss before my mouth traces down her neck leaving kisses along the way

She moaned softly and I could feel her body tingle from the multiple kisses on her neck

"Do you want me to prove that I only love you?" I whisper into her ear, I could hear her gulped on her own spit

Author's Note: see what i did there? 😂😂 you think i'll give you smut so early on into the story??

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