Poodle and bobcat

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I smile softly while watching Haerin trying to button my jeans. I told her I can still move like a normal person but she insisted that she'll do everything for me. I run my fingers to swiftly comb her hair and I got a chuckle in response.

After successfully buttoning my jeans, she leaned in and gave me a peck as she wraps her arms around me.

"I can move normally you know! We made love, It's not like I got into a car crash, Haerin." I pouted and she chuckled.

"Well it was your first time and your muscles are sore so you have to relax and let it recover." She kisses my forehead before picking me up bridal style which causes me to wraps my arms around her neck. "So therefore, I will do everything for you and you just need to sit back with your head held high, relax, and tap your finger." She added. The last part makes me giggle.

Eventually we got to the car. Haerin carefully put me into the passenger seat and put on the seatbelt for me. I can't lie, this is very nice. She's always so loving and caring, I could never ask for anything more.

"Are you ready?" She asked smiley while looking at me from the driver's seat. "Im always ready for you~" I purred. I can tell it caught her off guard because her ears started to get bright red, she's so adorable omg.


While driving I would occasionally glances over at Danielle; I can see her struggling to stay awake. I smiled before extending my right hand over to pat her thigh gently.

"I'll wake you up when we arrive so sleep." She nodded in response before finally giving in.

I really won in life.

I must have been a very great person in my past lives to be able to deserve Danielle. How can someone be so perfect? I've never met anyone with such a kind soul and along with a perfectly beautiful face. She's gorgeous in and out.


"Take out the luggages in the trunk and set it in Danielle's room." I ordered as I give the butler my keys. He bowed before opening the trunk to carry our things inside.

I opened the door on the passenger side and was greeted with a sleeping beauty. I unfastened her seatbelt and cupped her cheeks with my hands before gently placing a kiss on her forehead. Danielle is a light sleeper so I don't have to do much to wake her up.

She slowly open her eyes and started rubbing it with her index finger. "..good morning.." she mumbled, still half asleep. "The sleeping beauty is finally awake." I teased as I carry her up the stairs. My smart remark seems to earn me new points as she starts to giggle but then soon fell back asleep in my arms.

The maids and butlers lined up to greet us as we entered the mansion. "Oh my, Danielle dear is probably drained." Butler Sam stated. I smile and nodded.

"I woke up early to pack our things and she woke up along with me and refuses to go back to sleep. It's fine, I'll let her rest."

"Would you like anything honey?" One of the maids, Nancy, asked.

"The best tea that we have. I also want it to be prepared perfectly; In the tea pot I only want the second water, make sure you drain out all of the dried leaves and herbs. Two cups, one with the first water and the other with the second, same as the pot. I don't care how much tea you use make sure it's perfect. Oh! A side of honey with mint extract mix please and thank you."

The maids nodded before heading into the kitchen while I bring Danielle up to her room aka our room now since we sleep together every night. Good, the butler has put our luggages in one corner of the room.

I carefully placed her down onto the bed and cover her body with the blanket. I drag a chair and placed it beside the edge of the mattress and brung out a book to read. I would take out the stuff from our luggages but that would disturb my sleeping beauty so I'll do that later.

After about 20 minutes or so I heard a knock on our bedroom door. Nancy brought in a tray of freshly brewed tea with a side of warm cookies. "Thank you" I whispered, trying to not wake Danielle up. Nancy smiled then nodded before leaving us two alone.

I trace my eyes back to sleeping beauty after the door closes and was met with a puppy wide awake with her adorable doe eyes. I guess the puppy has now awoken from her slumber. I overlap my hand with hers.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" She shook her head and position her body for her back to lean against the headboard of the bed.

"Have some tea. I told them to make it how you like it; leave the first water and take the second so it's not too dark but not too light. Oh and with mint-honey mixture on the side!" She chuckled at my ramble the  picked up the cup.

"How did I deserve you?" She said as a slight frown display onto her face before taking a sip of the tea. "It's amazing, Haerin!" Her frown immediately turned upside down into an adorable smile.

"Well Im glad." I smiled then take a sip of my own cup. "Also, I love you." I added and she chuckled. "I love you too, bobcat." My eyebrows rose up at the nickname.

"Where did bobcat come from?"

"Hmmm I don't wanna tell."

"Cmon, I wanna know! Please?" I pleaded and put on the best puppy eyes I could ever do.

"Nope, you'll have to figure it out yourself!" She teased before taking another sip out of her cup.

She puts the cup down before pulling me into the bed with her, our bodies tangled under the bedsheets. "Thank you bobcat, for everything." She smiled and kisses my cheek.

"Whatever you want, poodle." I replied.

"Poodle? Now where did that come from!?"

"Hm you'll have to figure that out yourself I guess." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Ugh! You're so annoying."

"Well Im annoying adorable is how I like to put it." I purred and she laughed.

"Okay bobcat, whatever you say."

Author's note: Sorry about the latest chapter; "First" It was really out of the blue loll. I was feeling a bit silly when I wrote it 🙈

Thank you to everyone who enjoyed and show support to this story!

Our lovely bobcat and poodle~

Don't worry~ Be happy~

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