I've decided

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"When are you going to let go of me?" Haerin says as she chuckle to herself. "I dont want to" i mumbled as I hug her tighter from the back and bury my head onto her pj shirt

"But Danielle it's getting late, you have to go to sleep" Haerin held my hands as she leaned her head back. "noo i dont want to... yet" I could hear her laugh softly at my statement

She used her hands to forcefully (yet still gently) release myself from her. I pouted and frown when she turn around to look at me "you're mean" she smiled and cupped my cheeks with her hands, "you're cute"

I could feel my cheeks starts to heat up from the compliment as the blood rushes into my cheeks. Haerin seem to notice and laughed at me

We hold onto each other tightly as we lay down

To my surprise, Haerin seem like she would fall asleep any second, usually Im always the one who falls asleep first

I kissed her lips softly and cuddle closer to her, she gave me a faint smile before she closes her eyes. We kiss, hug, and cuddle each other to sleep like any other normal couple would, she never once rejected my affection. Does she kiss me because she like me or does she kiss me because Im simply her 'wife'

Why do I care if she has genuine feelings for me or not? Fuck I don't know.. maybe I actually fell for her


I've arrived home early today, I've finished all of my work for the day and since I wanna surprise Danielle, I went ahead and bought some flowers, Orchids to be exact. I'm not sure what her favorite flowers are but the florist told me that Orchids' meaning is that you've been longing for someone or something like that

I also went to the best bakery in town and picked up some goods, I hope she likes it. I shower and dress myself up nicely before heading out and drive to Danielle's university. That girl is brilliant! Not a lot of people graduate at the age of 16 and got a full ride scholarship to the #1 college in the country, not that I know of

I arrived a couple minutes early but whatever, I wonder what her reaction will be when she sees me, I just hope it's not disappointment

I watch as students walk out of the building and there she is! My smile dropped as I see someone else is walking besides her thats not her friend who usually walk out with her. This time it's a guy and his gestures and the way he looks at Danielle is full of lust. This fucking scrunched dick bitch.

Danielle looks uncomfortable the more he talks, that whore is not even respecting her personal space! I storm over to where they are, Danielle's eyes lit up as she sees me, she quickly runs over to me to give me a hug

"Oh whos that, Danielle? Actually, she can come too! You should invite your frie-"

"Wife. I'm her wife" i cut him off, his eyes widened and he looks at us in surprised. "What the fuck?" He mumbled before storming off somewhere else

"Haerin! Thank you!" She plant multiple kisses all over my face, "he wouldn't leave me alone!" She added and hugs me tighter. "Its no big deal but you should let go of me now" A little frown formed on my face, not wanting to let go of our hug but our relationship is not public and I doubt that my feelings is even reciprocated

"What? Why?" She pouted while looking at me

"I dont think you'd want your friends to know that you're with me..."

She gave me one of her biggest smiles that Ive ever seen before pulling me into a long, deep yet so passionate and loving kiss

For what seem like an eternity to us but in reality was only about 3 minutes, she broke off from our kiss. "You're my happiness so I dont get why I have to hide my happiness whenever we're out in public" she says and peck my lips quickly

The drive home was beautiful, the trees have changed colors to brilliant red, orange, and yellow. We both engage into conversations as we exchange details about how our day went, what we're going to have for dinner, flowers, honestly anything. We can talk about anything and everything to each other without being so awkward

She suggested that we would cook together, even though i cant cook, how can I reject her suggestion? Her sparkly puppy eyes and her pleading voice would really make me anything that she asks of. She really know how to get me to spoil her don't she


"Haerin.. this is awful!"

"What!! I made sure to season it how you told me to!"

"I think you mistaken sugar for salt and sesame oil for fish sauce"

"Thats impossible!" My brows furrow as I taste the soup, it was so disgusting. How did I mess up so badly? And why isn't all of the seasonings labeled?! Ugh I'll have to bring this up to the chefs later on

I look over at Danielle who is hysterically laughing at me

"Stop laughing!"

"Sorry sorry! It's just you're so helpless! What would you eat if all of the chefs, maids, and butlers take a day off? Huh?"

"Ill order takeout."

She wrapped her arms around my neck while chuckling

"So you'll rather get takeout than eat my cooking?"

"Wait what no! Cmon that was a trick question, how was I supposed to know that you're included in the scenario?"

She rolls her eyes in dissatisfaction

By some miracle, we did finish cooking our food and it ended up actually looking good and Danielle has taste tested everything to make sure it's decent

"The mashed potatoes you made are so good!" I mumbled while eating the mashed potatoes

We finished our dinner and I surprised her with the flowers and baked goods, she yelp in happiness and excitedly jumps up and down in place. Im just glad she loves it

"Thank you" she spoke softly at me

"For what?"

"For everything"

I smiled at her while pulling her close into my embrace, so close that our smells started morphing into one

"And for being my first love." I pushed her out by the shoulders so I can see her face clearly. Did i hear that right? Or was i just hallucinating? She pecked me on the lips and close the distance between our bodies once again

"You're my first love, Haerin-ah. And i hope you'll also be my last" she whispers into my ear. A couple tears rolled down my face and I hug her tighter so she wouldn't see me crying. I've been waiting for this. I love her so much


I'm not going to make myself confused anymore. I know I love her. I know I love her ever since I saw her. She makes me the happiest and I hope I could also make her the happiest

I've decided, I'll be her wife and love her for the rest of my life and even after that. Our souls will always be together

Falling for you ; DAERINWhere stories live. Discover now