Lovely morning

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"Im so cold...ah-achoo!" Danielle sniffled as she recover from her sneeze. Haerin tries her best to warm Danielle up by rubbing profusely on the girl's back and holding her closely against her body.

"Do you want to change into some warmer pajamas? Or should I turn on the heating system? Or both?" Haerin whispered softly just enough for Danielle to know what she's saying. "Both." The younger girl replied.

Haerin left a sweet peck on Danielle's lips before exiting the room to go change the temperature system which is located in the living room. Danielle got up from the bed and walk over to the closet, she picked out a pair of pajamas made with thicker materials than the one she currently have on.

Danielle sat on the edge of the king sized mattress, waiting for her beloved to come back. She jerked her head towards the door as she hears the doorknob being turned. Danielle's face lit up and her lips curved into a smile at the sight of Haerin.

"It's a bit chilly cause of the rain." She spoke softly while extending her arm out to Danielle, her palm holding a glass of warm water. "Aw thank you!" Danielle replied lovingly, holding the glass with both of her palm.

She placed the glass down onto their night stand once she finished drinking the water. The newlywed went back to snuggling up with each other under the sheets.

"Daniella." Danielle mumbled. Haerin raises her eyebrow in confusion not knowing what exactly she's talking about.


"Our kid! If it's a girl then I want to name her Daniella."

Haerin chuckled. "You're still having baby fever?"

"I would take Daniella to go surfing with me!"

"Missy, that's too far into the future, you're still a baby yourself."

Danielle gasped sarcastically, looking up at Haerin. "Im not a baby!"

"Well you act like one"

Danielle's mouth went wide open in disbelief. Did she hear that right? Haerin can't help but giggle at Danielle's reaction. That girl is too adorable! Haerin leaned close to give her a sweet peck on the lips, "and you're also on the same level of cuteness if not more"

Danielle rolled her eyes playfully, "you're such a flirt, did you know that?" Haerin laughed. "Only with you princess, only with you."


Danielle wakes up by the sound of pans shuffling around. She slowly opens her eyes, outside is still gloomy and raining but she didn't mind. In fact she loves it. Danielle looked over and there is no Haerin in the room so she figured the sound was probably Haerin trying to do something.

Danielle walked out to the kitchen room and was met with a sight; Haerin is making breakfast! The smell of freshly made waffles along with warmed up syrup with scrambled eggs enveloped the space.

She walked towards Haerin, wrapping her arms around her waist and resting on her on Haerin's back. Haerin gasp at the sudden touch but quickly calmed down after noticing that it was no other than Danielle.

"Go wash up, I made us breakfast." Haerin said softly with a warm smile on her face as she finishes up making the scrambled eggs.

"I didn't know you could cook." Danielle asked while placing soft wet kisses on the other girl's nape. "I didn't. I asked the chefs at home to teach me how to cook cause I wanted to prepare a meal for you." Haerin overlap Danielle's hand with hers.

Danielle feels like she's about to burst into tears but was able to contain herself. "You're so sweet.." she mumbled softly. It really moves Danielle that someone put so much effort to make her happy. Learning how to cook and then waking up early to prepare breakfast is just so sweet. She never experienced this before.

After a couple minutes, Danielle came back from the restroom. She has brushed her teeth and washed her face. The couple are now enjoying their breakfast.

"This is so good, Haerin!" The slight crispy edges of the waffles instantly melts into your mouth as you bite them, revealing the fluffy soft interior. The flavor of the milky waffles then combined with the sweet maple syrup and the slight tart and sourness of the berries.

"Wait, there's more." Haerin got up from the table and walked to one of the room. Danielle took a sip of her freshly squeezed orange juice while looking at Haerin walking into one of the room.

The girl then gasped with her mouth being wide open as she saw Haerin. She is holding a huge bouquet but not just any normal bouquet, the whole thing is made out of paper! And each individual rose has writings on it, her guess is that they're handwritten letters.

Danielle quickly got up from the table and ran over to Haerin, giving her a tight hug as tears roll down her face. The gestures are all so sweet, it's too sweet for Danielle. Does she even deserve Haerin and her love?

Haerin seem to notice the girl sobbing so she used her hand that is free to bring the girl into a warm embrace. Comforting her lovingly with forehead kisses and back rubs.

"I saw a video on how to make a paper bouquet so I woke up a bit early today to make it, along with the breakfast." Haerin smiled softly as she looks at Danielle, their eyes never leaving each other's gaze, not even once.

"You're too sweet, Haerin" Danielle sniffled. Haerin has been nothing but caring and sweet to her ever since they met. The distance between their lips closed as their lips morph together perfectly.

"Danielle, you deserve all of the sweet things in the world. I know you went through not the best of things but now that you're in my life, I promise. I will make sure to fill our days together with memorable memories and laughter and love." Haerin used her thumb to caress Danielle's cheek as well as wiping her tears away.

They gave each other a warm smile, washing out every painful memories that they have ever went through in the past individually. Forgetting whatever is going on in the world and spend their time focusing on one another.

The letters are filled with encouragement and loving words expressing her love for Danielle. Showing how much she cared and love her.

This was indeed, a lovely morning. It is perfect.



Also, Thank you so much to everyone who enjoy and show support to this story! I appreciate it very much. Thank you for finding my work and taking time out of your day to read it

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