Life (Sequel.)

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Daniella sits comfortably inside her mommy's lap. The two read a picture book together while Haerin is finishing up her work on the laptop.

"Whats that?" The toddler asked as she point to the unfamiliar animal in the story. "That's a zebra. Can you say zebra?" Danielle answered with a huge smile on her face and a baby tone that she always uses when talking to Daniella.

"Very good. You're such a good girl!"

Danielle kissed the child's forehead softly then continue to move on with the story. Haerin, at the same time also finished with her work. She closed her laptop before walking over to her family, taking a seat next to them.

Danielle immediately turned over to kiss Haerin. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you too." Haerin replied, wrapping one of her arms around her wife. "Daddy, me too, me too!" Daniella said as she makes grabby hands at Haerin. The kitty chuckled before leaning down to kiss Daniella on the cheek.

The little girl raised her shoulders up and smile, similar to how her mother acts when receiving a kiss.

"Mommy, your turn." Daniella said as she grabs onto the sleeve of Danielle's shirt. Danielle leaned in to kiss the other side of the little one's cheek. Daniella snuggle deep into her mother's chest which almost caused her to pass out due to overdose of cuteness. Haerin, on the side watching them and chuckle softly, realising how similar they look and act.

"Daniella, can you say I love you?" Danielle asked while one of her hand is caressing the small back of the baby. Daniella looks up into mommy's face for a few moments, processing her thoughts.

"I wuv you, mommy." Daniella said as she hugs mommy tightly. Danielle, being shocked from cuteness she profusely kisses the little one's head. "Why are you so adorable!? Whose  baby are you?? Im going to have you to myself forever." She said, continuing to cuddle Daniella.

Daniella looks over at Haerin, not wanting her to be left out. "Daddy, I wuv you." She said smiling. Haerin immediately melted from cuteness. The two parent cant help but kissing and hugging their baby girl nonstop.

"Babe, we're going on a picnic next weekend, you haven't forgotten, right?" Asked Haerin.
"Picnic!" Exclaimed Daniella.
"Of course! How could I forget? It's going to be Daniella's first picnic!" Replied Danielle.

Haerin smiled before leaning in to peck her wife's lips.

"I know, I just wanted to make sure we both don't forget." Haerin said.
"I actually was going to set a reminder on my phone but I can't find it anymore." Danielle put up a small frown.

"Where was the last time you put it?"
"I dont know, I haven't used it in like 2 weeks."

Haerin chuckled in disbelief. "You really are anti-cellphone, aren't you?", "Im not! Im just.. delayed with them."

On the other hand, as the conversation continues with the parents, Daniella finds it a bit difficult to understand all of these big words that her parents are using. The girl just sits there and looks up at mommy and daddy until she is able to receive attention again.

Haerin glanced at the time then let out a soft smile. "It's almost bedtime, should we get ready?" Daniella nodded.

"Let's get the princess to bed!!" Haerin said before attacking Daniella with kisses, causing her to giggle.


"Mommy! Daddy!" Daniella said with a huge displayed smile as she run into the arms of her parents. "We missed youuu." Her mommy, Danielle said as she kisses the little one's face. "How was your day, my princess?" Asked her daddy, Haerin.

"Im hungry." Both Haerin and Danielle looked at each other then looked back at Daniella. "Did you not eat the lunch mommy made?" Danielle asked out of confusion. She had packed a lunch that she knew Daniella would enjoy and be filled with, also, since preschool is only till noon, the kids just had their lunch.

The toddler shook her head. "Someone.. someone didn't have lunch so, so I gave her mine." Daniella looked down at the ground, expecting the worse to happen that she gave her lunch away, but at the same time also feeling proud of herself.

Haerin and Danielle are flushed with a feeling of proud for their baby girl helping another person. Danielle brings Daniella into a warm hug. She kissed the baby's forehead. "We're very proud of you, baby. Is this the first time?" Daniella nodded.

Haerin, can't help but smile widely. She notices the similarities between her daughter and wife. "Daniella is just like mommy!" Haerin said before kissing the girl's cheek. "You know, mommy used to and still give away her lunch for another person? It is a very good thing, but, it's also important that you take care of yourself and eat the lunches daddy and mommy makes. If this happens again, you need to tell us so we can find a way so that both Daniella and that friend will have food to eat, okay?" Haerin added.

Haerin and Danielle always soft parent their kid, they don't believe in discipline and they believe the kids who receive the most warmth as a child will also grow up to be a warm and kind person who's willing to help others.

They also teach Daniella life skills and hobbies so she can find many things to entertain herself rather than resorting to technology usage. Though, the most important thing that Danielle and Haerin always demonstrate and teach is that mistakes are okay and it's common for mistakes to occur.

They teach Daniella to approach things and if mistakes happen, she can learn from them with a smile and improve later on.

"Mommy, daddy, i wuv you." Daniella said as she hugs the both of them. "We love you too, princess." Said Danielle.

The three of them went home and ate together. After so, they decided to watch a kid movie together but Daniella fell asleep half-way, possibly due to the fact that she used up all of her energy during recess time.

The parents tucked their little girl into her bed and kissed her goodnight before returning back to their bedroom.

They stay in each other's arms, as if the world is blocked out with just the two of them. Haerin caress the side of Danielle's cheek before kissing her tenderly. Danielle break the comfortable silence between them, "You know, during the pregnancy, sometimes it was hard for me especially with all of the mood swings but you always stay by my side no matter what. You take such great care of me before the pregnancy, during it, and even now. The only regret I have in life is that I wasn't able to be in your life sooner." She spoke softly.

Haerin brung Danielle into a tighter embrace. She used one of her hands to stroke the back of the puppy's head. "You make life enjoyable and loving easy. I never would be the person I am today if it weren't for you. You saved me in every way possible that a person can be saved."

Even if life becomes a bit hectic with a little child around, Haerin and Danielle will never neglect each other and will always make time for one another, sharing their intimate moments like how they've always done it.

"I love you, bobcat."
"I love you too, poodle."

Author's Note: Happy Holiday!! I guess this is my holiday gift to you guys 😄.

Im still working on other stories so please bear with me!

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