Missing you

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"I have to go on a business trip for a week"

Her words echoed through my mind before I could fully comprehend what she's saying. I tried not to show it but an obvious frown was shown on my face. A whole week? It's going to feel like forever!

I inverse the corner of my lips to a slight smile, I softly placed a kiss on her cheek before wrapping my arms around her neck; she wrapped her arms around my waist per usual

"I'm going to miss you, Haerin"

She held onto me tighter and place multiple kisses on my forehead. "I'll miss you too. Also you should hangout with your friends! Maybe then you won't be so lonely"


"You're fine on your own right?"

I chuckled before kissing her, the kiss felt sweet and she tasted like strawberry mint. The kiss was long and gentle, this has to be our longest kiss yet; I'd say it's around 5 minutes. Once the kiss ended both of us are gasping for air

"I will be fine, Haerin! Plus, I'm not alone, everyone is still going to be here and Hanni said she's going to stay with me while you're gone!"

She giggled at me and pulled me in for a long hug. Before leaving, she kissed my cheek and whispered "Goodbye, I love you" into my ear. I could sense the blood rushing to my cheeks and the corners of my ears

I watch the car with Haerin inside slowly drives out of my view, I miss her. I miss her already. Too focused on thinking about Haerin I didn't notice that butler Sam is standing next to me

"Young love" he chuckled with his smile wide up to his ears. I love butler Sam, he always keep me entertained whenever Haerin is at work, he also showed me baby photos of Haerin and tell me embarrassing stories about her, and I swore that this old man knows every single thing there is in this universe. He would know that you have a sore throat just by watching how you drink your water

"Danielle dear, how about I make you some desserts for you and your friend to enjoy!"

He asked me while clapping his hands together, butler Sam is like the grandpa or a guardian that I've always yearned for but never had

"Butler Sam, you don't have to!"

"Oh silly, of course I do! It's settled then! I'll make some desserts with my special homemade recipes!"

Before I could respond he is already skipping to the kitchen. He is such an adorable old man. I chuckled to myself then suddenly I felt a slight vibration coming from my pocket, it must be Hanni


I'm at the front gate... Danielle you didn't tell me that your aunt was this rich????!!!

Oh well about that... I'll tell you everything once you get inside. Ill let the guards know and open the gate for you!

After around 3 minutes I can finally see her car coming into view. She parked it outside the house, I ran to her and hugged her tightly

"I missed you!!"

"Aww I missed you too! But what the hell?? This is a full on blown royal mansion!"

She yelled as her mouth widened and her eyes moves around scanning the place. Her reaction was even more dramatic than me when I first got here. I dragged her by the arm up the stairs, into the entrance

"Hello miss Danielle and your dear guest! Oh and here we'll carry your luggage for you."

The maids and butlers greeted me per usual but this causes Hanni to be even more shocked. Once we finally got into my room, Hanni took a deep breath before she could talk to me

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