Get to know each other better

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(Author's Note: later throughout this chapter there will be a scene where Danielle is playing the piano, this is the song she's playing. Franz Liszt - Liebestraum No. 3 (love dream) )

"Why don't we spend this upcoming weekend together? You know.. just the two of us." Haerin suggested but Danielle furrowed her eyebrow for a couple seconds before letting out a few giggles.

"We always spend our weekends together, Haerin"

"No no no, I mean like somewhere far away. I have a lake house that's an hour away from here. If its okay with you we could-"

"I would love to!"

Danielle looked at Haerin straight into the eye with her sparkly puppy doe eyes which always make Haerin's heart melt. Both of them smile softly at each other before Haerin broke the gaze, placing a kiss softly, lingering on Danielle's red rounded lips.

"Its settled then." Haerin spoke softly after their kiss ended. The puppy girl smiled and nodded then lay herself down onto the bed, extending her arms to signal Haerin that it's time to sleep. Haerin lay down next to the other girl, pulling her into a warm embrace.

Danielle chuckled, "You know, I'm going to write about the trip in full details in my diary."

"You keep a diary?"

"Yeah! Of course I do, I've kept it ever since I was like 15"

"Do you write about me in it?"


"Can I re-"


Haerin sigh in defeat. Danielle couldn't possibly tell her what she wrote in her diary. Well for the most part is just innocent things but there are times when Danielle's hormones are out of control and she get not so innocent dreams. Yes, she wrote all about it in details in her diary.


It is currently Friday's night, they're both packing their stuff into suitcases, preparing for their 2 days weekend break at the lake house. Danielle brung our her sunglasses collection and started to try all of them to decide which one she will bring but because of having such an obsession over her sunglasses, she can't choose at all.

"Haerin... which one should I bring with me?"

"Hmmm... they all kind of look the same."

"How could you say that! They have feelings you know! Each one of them is unique, Haerin!"

"Oh sorry sorry!"

Danielle pouted and went back into trying to decide which sunglass(es) she's going to bring while Haerin is folding their clothes and neatly put it into their two suitcases.

"Extra pairs of clothe.. bathing suits... pjs.. frog plushies.." Haerin mumbled to herself as she's looking over the list of stuff of what to pack, making sure that everything is packed and nothing important is left behind. She looked over to the distressed girl sitting on her makeup desk still trying to figure out which sunglasses she'll bring.

She smiled softly to herself before walking over to her beloved. "Have you chosen yet?" Haerin asked. Danielle smiled, "I think I'm going to bring Sarah and Federick!" The puppy girl answered in a bright and happy tone, probably because she finally made a decision.

"You named them?" Haerin asked in confusion. She never met or even heard of someone who give names to their belongings, let alone sunglasses. Danielle furrow eyebrows, thinking why would someone even ask that question. It's normal to name your belongings, right? Well Danielle has been doing it all her life, she never really had friends so she would name inanimate objects and make them her friends.

Falling for you ; DAERINWhere stories live. Discover now