Quality time

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As the two walk side by side together with their hands intertwined, they share laughter and kisses, not caring what other people would think.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" Haerin looked over at Danielle with a soft smile on her face, admiring the beauty of her wife. "Are you cooking?" Danielle asked with a hint of sarcasm, she knew very well how limited Haerin's cooking skills were.

"I think we both know how good I can be in the kitchen, are you sure you'd like to taste my cooking once again?" The latter giggle as she swings their hands back and forth into the air. "We can try to cook together again!" Danielle let out an audible gasp of excitement, thinking about how much fun they'd have together in the kitchen.

"As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." Haerin expressed as she leaned in to press their lips together, she rested her forehead against Danielle's.

Soft smiles smeared on their faces as they pulled their lips apart, resting their foreheads on one another and enjoying their precious moments together.

"Hopefully you won't mix up the seasonings this time." The puppy teased as she walked away. "I checked in with the workers and made sure they labelled everything." Haerin has a proud expression on her face as if she just won a medal.

The two enjoy their time together until an unexpected person shows up.

"Danielle, who is this?" An irritated expression is shown on Wonyoung's face as she points to Haerin who still contains her cold and stoned expression to everybody besides Danielle.

"Wonyoung, I've told you so many times that I'm taken. Plus, you have no right to speak or point fingers at Haerin." Danielle snapped back, her tone was filled with anger and irritation but she still managed to be soft-spoken.

"Danielle, let me handle this." The kitty whispered, using her hands to turn Danielle in a different direction.

"Wonyoung, right? Either way, I don't care, please expect to pack your things within the twelve hours span." She kept her cold tone before grabbing Danielle's hand into her own then just simply walk away.

"What are you even talking about!?" As Wonyoung was about to approach them physically, Haerin snapped her finger in the air and suddenly four big men dressed in black suits came rushing. They forcefully pulled Wonyoung away, giving back the peace for Haerin and Danielle.

"Isn't that a bit too much, Haerin? And we had body guards following us all this time? I didn't even notice."

"Oh, it doesn't just end here. And yes, we always have body guards following us around for safety reasons, you do too." Before Danielle could open her mouth to say another word, Haerin had already dialled a number and the phone is already next to her ear.

"Oh hello Mr. Tae, I'm going to get straight to the point. How much would it cost for me to expel someone from your university?"


"Bobcat! Garlic breadsticks don't need cinnamon sugar!" I quickly grabbed the jar of sugar away so she won't be able to put any in. "Do you want your breadsticks for dessert?" The cat gave me a small pout as she turns her head away, avoiding eye contact with me.

I let out a short sigh as I pull her into my embrace. She said I'm the baby but she literally sulk like one! "You sulk like a baby.", "You're the baby." I pull her lips closer to mine until we clash.

"Whatever you say, my baby." Her eyes rolled back in sarcasm. I could see her physically trying to stop herself from smiling. "When are you going to let go of me? We have to make food, Haerin." My face is displayed with a huge grin. Even I can't hold in my laughs and smiles whenever we're together.

When she finally decide to release her arms around my waist, we quickly got back to making our food.

Since the weather is getting a bit chilly, I've decided that a plate of chicken Alfredo pasta with garlic breadsticks would be perfect!

I continuously glances over at Haerin as I make the pasta. Hopefully she won't mess anything up. Seriously, who would even consider putting cinnamon sugar on garlic breadsticks? Her tastebuds has to be on some sort of illegal substance.

I smile at how concentrated she looks. Haerin might be incredibly smart but she cannot handle such a simple task such as cooking.

"Thank you for the food." We both said in unison before picking up our forks to eat. Haerin, with a mouthful of pasta, "It twaste swoo gwood!!" Her cheeks are full and puffy and she continue to chew on the food. "You're such a baby." I joked, using the fork in my hand to twirl the pasta.

"I think your cooking is the best." Said Haerin as she happily stuff her face with breadsticks.

"Think? Are you cheating on me?"

"What wait- Danielle I would never cheat on you. You can have access to every social media accounts I owned and you can go through the company's footage and view the history of everyone entering my office to prove that I only love you."

I bursted out laughing at how serious she took it. The sad frowny face that she gave me was so adorable and hilarious!

"Bobcat! I was just joking, my love!" I said in between my laughs. "Not funny, Danielle." She replied sadly as she sulks.

"Im sorry, baby." I used my hands to cup her cheeks then gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I love you." Instead of saying I love you back, she dart her eyes away and continue to pout.

"You don't love me?" I put on my best puppy tone as I talk with a frown displayed on my face, half mimicking her.

"I love you, Danielle. I love you more than anything." Her arms holding onto me tightly as if this would be the last time she would get to hold me.


"You're very clingy and baby today, bobcat. I freaking love it." I comfortably shuffle my fingers through her hair. It's a bit different about our position. Usually I would be the person who lays on top of her as she wraps her arms around me but right now, Haerin is the person laying on top of me. Not just that, she also crawled under my shirt so our bare skin is touching.

The rhythms of our breathing morphs together.

"Kiss me." The cat demanded as she lifts her head a bit higher, revealing her eyes and forehead. I chuckled as I leaned down, then profusely placed kisses on her forehead.

"You know, I've been thinking about how lucky I am to have you. I don't want anybody else to be get your attention. I know it may sounds possessive but I want you all to myself, Danielle. I love you so much, baby." She confessed as she hides her face away, snuggling deeper into my chest.

I slowly run my hands up and down her back as I know she very much enjoys it when I do so. I smile warmly, admiring at the bond we share and how much we've come.

"I promise no one else will ever get my attention, Haerin. I love you more than anything."

Author's Note: well thats the most drama you'll get in this book. 🤣 if you're looking for drama then this book is not the one lolll

I'm so sorry for updating so late, Its been a bit hectic lately but I will try to update more frequently.

I apologise for any mistakes and errors or if this chapter feels a bit rushed through.

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and read this book. I hope you enjoy it!

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