Lots of love

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"So what should we do now?" Haerin asked as she held onto my hand tightly, not wanting to let go. "You can experience the school life with me today!" I replied happily, cupping Haerin's cheek and then kissing her face profusely.

"Really? I can!?" Haerin said with a mixture of happiness and surprise. I couldn't help but giggle at how cute she is, especially when she's clingy. "Of course, your disguise is perfect, baby," I reassured then placed myself on her lap.

"What are we going to do until the next class starts?" She asked before shuffling through my hair with her soft fingers and kissing my forehead. "We can stay here together, just like this. Kissing and cuddling, talking about whatever until time runs out." I explained and she seemed to like the idea.

Haerin used her long arms to wrap my body tightly as she set her ear onto my chest, listening to my heartbeat. This time, I'm the one who shuffles my fingers through her hair and smiles warmly. Haerin might seem tough and intimidating at first but once you get to know her, she's just a big baby trapped in an adult's body.

"Our heartbeat links up!" She squeal in happiness as she tilts her head up to look at me. "You're seriously that happy over the fact that our heartbeat links up?" I chuckled as I kissed the top of her head. "Of course! Scientists have proven that if two persons' heartbeat links up, they are deeply in love with each other." Haerin explained with a huge smile on her face that I adore so much.

"I love you, Haerin."
"I love you too, Danielle."

Slowly, our lips pressed together lovingly. I never would've believed that I would get to experience being so in love with a person. My heart skipped down to 16th Avenue whenever I laid my eyes on her.

I noticed as Haerin did a couple of deep breaths before speaking again.

"Danielle, I hate it when I see others trying to capture your heart. It's not you, I completely trust you but I don't like the thought of other people asking you on a date when you already have me. Again, It's not that I don't trust you, 'cause I do, I trust you more than anybody. I just don't trust other people, I fear that one day somebody will do something harmful to you."

My expression softens as I listen to what she has to say. It breaks my heart that she feels this way, I wish I could show the whole world that we belong together and no other will be able to come in between.

"Haerin, no matter how hard anybody tries. My heart will only and always will love you. I'm going to show everyone how much I love you, how much we love each other. My whole world lights up when you're with me. My sunshine only comes out when I'm with you."

I reassured as I slowly ran my hand up and down her back. "I love you." She mumbled softly, so soft that I almost didn't catch it. I let out a warm smile as I looked at her. "You're such a big baby, did you know that?" I playfully teased.

"I am NOT a big baby, Danielle." Haerin emphasised the word 'not' as she pouts. "You're proving my point by how you're acting right now." I decided to tease her further, just to see how adorable she could get.

"You're the baby, poodle."
"Hey! I'm eighteen!"
"Tsk tsk, still a baby."

I displayed a smirk as I used my index finger to push her back, eventually, she back hit the surface of the bookshelves. "I like it when your figure is under mine," I whispered as I stared into her big brown cat-like eyes.

"I like everything as long as you're with me," Haerin responded as her arms wrapped around my waist. I let out an audible gasp as an idea popped into my head.

"Does that mean you'll let me peg you?"


Her face is filled with shock and horror as she stares blankly at me. "Wha- now Danielle. Where did that idea even come from? Better yet, how do you even know what that is?" , "Hanni told me.", "Of course she did."

Just as I was about to open my mouth to continue our conversation, the bell rang. We hurriedly fix our clothes and Haerin put her cap back on. "We'll talk about that topic later." She whispered as we walked out of the library together.

I grabbed onto her arm and happily rested my head on her shoulders as we walked in the hallway together. "Are you sure you want to show PDA?" She whispered. I nodded, "We're married so of course." I placed a soft kiss on her cheek before putting my head back to its previous position.

As we walked in the hallway, I could see stares from other people. They look with shock, especially Wonyoung. Oh man, she looks so much like a lost toddler right now.

We entered my class and took a seat at the table in the back corner for more privacy.

During the lecture, we would write in my notebook to communicate with each other. It's safe to say that neither of us paid attention, we just giggle and stare at each other the whole time.

I'm mesmerised by how perfect Haerin is. Her little fangs showing every time she smiles are incredibly adorable. I love you so much.


"Don't you have work, Haerin?" Asked Hyein as she sipped on her cup of coffee. "It wouldn't hurt to miss a few days." Haerin shrugged her shoulders before holding onto my hand which was resting on my lap.

"Whattt, Mrs. Kang is neglecting her work?" Hanni playfully joked, I heard a slight giggle escape Haerin's lips. I'm glad they're getting along.

"How's college life for you?" Minji asked with curiosity in her eyes as she looked at Haerin.

"It's fascinating considering I've never gotten to experience it," Haerin responded with a faint smile on her lips.

The five of us continue our conversations until lunchtime ends. As we stood up to gather our things and prepare to leave, Haerin stopped me. "Can you go to the bathroom with me?" She mumbled and I nodded.

"You guys can leave first," I told the others and they waved us goodbye before leaving the café. Hand in hand, we walk together to the one-stall 'family' bathroom.

She locked the bathroom door behind us before pinning me against the sink. "Oh Haerin, you're naughty today," I whispered before our lips collided. The kiss felt like she had been yearning for it for so long. Her arms wrap around my waist tightly as she continues to kiss me.

She slowly pulls our lips apart. "Don't get naughty ideas, I just want to hold and kiss you for as long as possible before we have to leave." There was a slight pause before she continued, "Though, you are very drop-dead gorgeous right now. Just like how you are always gorgeous."

"You're seriously so cheesy." I rolled my eyes at her before grabbing her shirt collar and then pulling her face closer to mine, clashing our lips together once more.

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