My Only

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A sad and light-heartened frown curved on my lips as I look over to where my wife is at. Usually, when we sit in the same room she would be cuddling me and kissing me all over but right now, she seems to be dissociating herself by sitting alone in one corner.

Maybe it's that time of the month for her? Or is she hurt? I've tried asking her before if anything is wrong, but Danielle would just brush it off saying everything is fine and she just needs some rest. It's like her sunshine is being blocked away by rainy grey clouds.

Filled with concerns, I got up from my seat to walk towards her. I feel her body flinched a little as I wrap my arms around her. "Are you okay?" I asked, hugging her closer. "I'm okay," her hands softly overlapping with mine.

"Danielle, I'm always here for you." I reassured. She gave me a nod before her head leans back, resting against me. Suddenly, I felt a buzz coming from my pocket. I reached in to grab my phone.

Dad: Are you there yet?

Oh shit, I forgot I had plans with my father. I was too tied up with Dani that I forgot about our appointment. I looked down to Danielle, her eyebrows are slightly scrunched together, she got a small frown on her lips and her cheeks are all pouty. She looks so much like a sad puppy who didn't get to go outside and play.

I kissed her softly. I can tell she doesn't want to let go, her hands are gripped tightly onto the sleeve of my sweater. I used my thumb to slowly caresses her cheek.

"I have to go somewhere, I'll be back soon, okay honey?" Her face still has the same expression as she nod slowly. "I love you." She said, Dani's voice is soft and adorable, she acts like a little puppy.

"I love you too, poodle."

Maybe she had a rough day and just need some love and attention. I'll definitely spend more time with her once I get back.

I rushed down the stairs and quickly got into my car that was parked at the entrance in advance to the appointment by the butlers.

As I drive towards the location to meet my father, my head is clouded with Danielle. I just want to be next to her and kiss her all over. I want to be there for her, no matter what happens. For sure, I'm going to make this quick so I can go home to be with Danielle.


My eyes dart around the cafe, looking for where my father is seated at. The old man started waving his hand in the air, signalling me to go sit with him.

"Hello, Haerin. How is your day going?" He warmly asked as I sat down across from him. "It's going fine, dad. I am In a bit of a hurry though, so can we get straight to the point?"

He flashed me a welcoming smile before taking a deep breath.

"I'm going to retire, and I'd like to transfer 100% of our corporation into your hands." My lips slightly part as I blankly stare at him. I could've sworn I saw frogs flying in outer space. "But why 100%? I think this is a bit too much of a responsibility for me to handle." I explained.

It's the truth, I don't think I'll be able to manage everything, and I don't want to be too wired up with work that I don't get enough time for my marriage. "I believe you can do it, Haerin. You're the type of person to always balance your life out no matter how hard it could get. And I'd also like to go on the trip around the world that me and your mom promised," He shrugged.

"It's unfortunate that I cannot go with her but I'm still going to keep my promise and let myself relax." Seeing how sincere and ambitious he is about the promise that my parents made, I can't help it but softens up.

"I'm going to need more time to consider it, but I really hope you can make the trip." I let out a quick sigh. "Thank you, Haerin." He replied.

"Well, I wont keep you for long. Danielle is probably waiting for you, huh?"

"Of course she is. Therefore, I'll talk to you another time." I said as I dash out of the cafe and rushed into my car. I hit the gas pedal and quickly drove off.

I miss Danielle already.


I was practically speeding to get home but that's fine, I'd do anything for the person I love the most. I swing the door open and quickly ran up to our bedroom. My heart pounds with every steps.

"Dani?" I mumbled as I see her curled up sitting in one corner of the room. As soon as she heard my voice, she quickly got up then ran to me. I open my arms as wide as I can, waiting for her to reach me.

As soon as she got into my grasp, I wrapped my arms around her body tightly, not wanting to ever let go. "Are you okay, baby?" I whispered as my hands softly caresses her back.

"No.", "what's wrong, my love?" I asked with genuine concern. I hear a few sniffles as she quietly sobs inside my embrace. I profusely kisses her head and squeeze her tighter, showing that I'm here for her.

It feels as if my heart is shattering into million of pieces as I hold onto a crying Danielle.

"It's okay, darling, I'm here."

After a few minutes, the puppy seems to have calmed down. We sat on the sofa with me still holding onto her but not as tightly as before. "Now tell me, what's wrong?" Her hands still grips onto my sweater as her big brown doe eyes are looking into mine.

She let out a very long sigh before speaking. "I just thought that you gave me a lot of love and I don't think I give you enough in return. I felt as if I didn't deserve it but I know that I love you a lot and you also love me but my brain just blacked out."

"So you ignored my affection?" I asked playfully. I'm not even mad, I feel my heart lighten up a bit that it's not anything major. "I just panicked, I'm sorry. I missed you so much." She said as she bury her face into my chest, and her arms are wrapping around my shoulders.

"Danielle, you don't need to apologise. We're both growing and learning, what most important is that we communicate and fix things together." I reassured before kissing her forehead and cheeks.

"I love you, Haerin."
"I love you too, Dani."

Our lips pressed together, it has only been a few hours since we kissed but Ive missed this. Her lips are so soft and fluffy, she tastes so sweet, it makes me yearn for mote every time.

"Can I stay at home tomorrow? I want to be with you."
"Of course you can, baby. I can take you to my office too."

Author's Note: Hey, sorry for late update. I've been dealing a lot with personal issues.

Though, I hope you guys enjoy and thank you for reading!

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