Vacation continues

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Their lips slowly colliding into each other as they share a soft tender kiss while sitting on a swing in the middle of a garden, filled with grape vines and flowers. Their kisses have always felt soft and sweet, never once did it feel filthy or sexual. Haerin could feel Danielle's smiling and her slight giggles in between the kisses.

Danielle smiled brightly at Haerin, cupping her cheeks while Haerin's arms are grasping firmly around Danielle's waist. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" Danielle squeals in happiness as she profusely leaving kisses on Haerin's face. The cat girl giggled in adoration at the other girl.

"Hey that tickles!"

"I love you Haerin! You're my first love and you make me so happy!"

Danielle encircle her arms around Haerin's neck, pulling her into a close, tight hug.

"What with the sudden confession?" Haerin chuckled while caressing Danielle's back, leaving behind affectionate touch on the girl's skin.

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I mean it's weird that we never went through a phase of trying to flirt and get the other's attention you know? We didn't have that awkward first met phase, we just get married right away. And it was the best thing that ever happened to me! I love you so much!"

Danielle confessed as she snuggle herself into Haerin's chest. Haerin smiled and laugh lovingly before kissing Danielle once more, leaving no space between their faces.

"You know, we never had a wedding either. I promise, we will have an amazingly beautiful wedding."

Danielle's face lit up as she smile widely. They stayed in each other embrace for a bit before Haerin broke their silence by carrying Danielle bridal style way, back to their lake house.

"Lets shower and make something to eat, I'm starving!" Haerin whined playfully

Danielle chuckled, "Let's go to the store, I want to make homemade pizza!"


"Have you made pizza before, Dani?"

"Of course! I made it together with Hanni when me and her were in highschool"

"Okay then, I trust you."

They intertwined their arms as they walk besides each other with Haerin pushing the cart in front of them. Many old people glances at them with a smile on their faces, admiring their beauty along with elegancy.

Suddenly Danielle gasp as she felt something colliding with her leg. The two of them looked them and to their surprise, it was toddler. Danielle squats down to the little girl with a warm smile.

"Hey, what's your name?"


"Aw, that's a great name! Are you alone?"

The little girl shook her head. Danielle looked back at her with a confused expression.

"Hm then where is the person you're with?"

"Mommy got lost, I can't see her!"

Haerin chuckled, listening to the adorable girl. Danielle just nodded and gave her another smile

"Okay, we'll help you find mommy! Can I carry you?"

The little girl nodded once again. Danielle carefully picks up the kid to carry her. Sophie's little fingers rest on the surface of Danielle's neck and chest.

"We should bring her to the customer service desk. They could talk through the intercom and find her mother."

Danielle nodded. They walk side by side together, a thought hit the both of them. If one day they were to have a kid, is this what it would be like? Peacefully walking together to get groceries, share stories and laugh. But this is too far away in the future.

After about 5 minutes a lady came running towards the newlywed and the little girl.

"Thank you lady and lady!"

Sophie called out, the mom bow slightly to thank them for taking care of Sophie. With their hands holding onto one another, the mother and daughter walked away out of the supermarket. Leaving Danielle and Haerin to go back to their shopping.

After the encounter, Danielle seem to be acting a bit strange. She keeps looking over at the baby section and looking at food that is most nourishing for babies.

"Don't tell me you just got baby fever."

"What! N- yes. I mean could you blame me?? She's so adorable!" Danielle said in a puppy tone with her sparkly eyes at Haerin.

"When we have kids, what should we name them?"

"Hey missy, that's too far into the future. You're still a baby yourself"

"Hey! I'm 18!"

"Still a baby."

Haerin can't help but smile at Danielle, she's so adorable when she pouts! Or when she sulks and sit depressingly in one corner of the room, she looks so adorable just doing anything!


"Oh Dani, you got some flour on your cheek!"

"Oh can you help?"

In reality Danielle's face was spotless. Instead of smearing off the flour Haerin actually smeared some flour onto Danielle's cheek but the poor girl seem to not notice anything.

"Aww thank you! I love you!"


Haerin is trying her best to not burst out laughing. Danielle's face look ridiculous with flour smeared all over her cheeks! But the girl just continue to make the pizza dough, not knowing the truth, she looks at Haerin in a confused face, wondering why she's laughing so hard.

Finally they made 4 pizzas; two heart shaped, one circle, and one star. The warmth and smell of pizza baking engulfed their kitchen. At the same time the sky also turned grey and rain started pouring down. What perfect timing!

Danielle saw her reflection from the oven door while trying to look at the pizzas baking. She finally noticed a patch of flour on her cheek. She walked over to Haerin and playfully punched her shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?"

Danielle rolled her eyes. "You know what you did!"

"Well you still look absolutely beautiful." Haerin leaned herself in, pushing Danielle against the counter and moving her lips towards Danielle's but before their lips could collide, Danielle took a handful of flour and smeared it all over Haerin's face. Slipping away from her arms, giggling.

"Okay now you little rascal!" Haerin yelled out while laughing trying to catch Danielle.

They had a little flour fight in the kitchen. The space is filled with their laughs echoing against the wall while flour is being scattered everywhere. Along with the scent of pizzas baking in the oven and water droplets hitting the ground outside. It seems perfect.

Haerin never seem fond of rain ever since her mother died. This is the first time she ever caught herself laughing and having so much fun on a rainy day. Hell, this is the first time she has ever laughed so hard!

"Thank you Danielle." Haerin whispers into Danielle's ear with a smile on her face.

"Hm? For what?"

"For everything."

Before Danielle could respond their lips are already clashing into each other. Perfectly molding into one another as if their lips were handcrafted perfectly to fit together like a puzzle piece.

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