The battle

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The tension in the room rises as Hanni and Haerin continue to have a stare off battle. Neither one of them says a word, just the gaze is enough to make Danielle's sweat. She doesn't understand why they're both like this, her best friend and the love of her life fighting over her? Sounds childish.

"The tea is ready, young ladies." Butler Sam spoke, he placed a tray filled with tea and biscuits. The tension in the room is astronomical but everyone besides Hanni, Haerin, and Danielle seem to enjoy this showdown.

"She's my baby."
"She's my wife."
"She's mine first."
"She's married to me."
"She enjoy to go to the beach."
"Her favorite color is yellow."

They both growled. Never once did neither one of them stutter or even take one second to think, it's like they have memorized a script so perfectly that it's now a part of them.

"The popcorn hits different right now." Hyein said while stuffing her face with popcorn and Minji nodded in agreement.

"Why don't we have a mini game! To see who knows about miss Danielle the most." The head maid, Elizabeth, suggested. Hanni and Haerin both nodded in agreement, signaling that they accepted the challenge and won't back down.

Danielle sighed in defeat; no matter what she does now, those two won't back down without a fight.

"Very well. The rules are simple; there will be categories of things regarding miss Danielle. The first person to yell out the correct answer gets a point." Miss Elizabeth explained with a mischievous grin on her face.

"This is going to be interesting." Minji whispered but Danielle could still hear it.

"Round one; what is miss Danielle's favorite vegetable to eat?" Asked miss Elizabeth.

"Carrot." Haerin and Hanni both replied in unison.

"What is miss Danielle's favorite baking dish?"

"Lasagna." Once again, they replied in unison. They looked over at each other in irritation. Will the fierce kitty or will the small grumpy bunny win? Butler Sam and the maid, Nancy, nodded in agreement at the side while stuffing their faces with snacks.

"At what age did miss Danielle graduated high-school?"

"16." They answered in unison. Neither one of them is a millisecond late to responding. Danielle is very impressed but she still believe that this "battle" is very useless and childish.

After around 20 minutes or so, everyone is starting to become weary. They both continue to answer quickly to every question which result in their score being tied at 25 points. Hyein fell asleep halfway as she realises that this battle might not be so interesting after all.

"What is miss Danielle's favourite pair of sunglass?"



This was the first time that they each has a different answer. Suddenly Hyein woke up with her eyes wide open, filled with excitement as she stares at the two.

"Fred is her favourite, she would carry it around with her everywhere." Haerin reasoned. Hanni cleared her throat as a smirk was smeared all over her face which makes Haerin feel a bit defeated. Could she have said the incorrect answer? Is she going to admit this defeat?

"That is... incorrect." Answered miss Elizabeth.

"Ha! I win!" Hanni yelled in happiness. She started to jump in one place and did a little celebration dance.

"Both of you are wrong." Scoffed butler Sam. Hanni with her jaw wide opened, she looked over at butler Sam in confusion.

"The correct answer is, miss Danielle does not have favourites." Butler Sam added with full of confidence in his tone and a sly grin on his face.

"That is correct! The winner and leader of Danielle's protection squad is no other than.... BUTLER SAM!" Yelled Elizabeth. Butler Sam did a little bow as he accept his victory. Leaving both Haerin and Hanni lost at words.

"Who would've thought??" Whispered Hyein as she lean in towards Minji.

"I'm not surprised though." Replied Minji.

"You sillies thought you could win!? Against me!? Come back in 20 years when you got the proper training." Butler Sam cleared his throat as he walks away with miss Elizabeth and miss Nancy.

"Training? This isn't kung fu." Danielle said as she chuckles. Who would've thought that Butler Sam is going to be the winner all along? Seriously, that old man would never let her down!

Danielle walked over to the seemingly dead expression Haerin and Hanni to comfort them. "It's okay guys." Danielle smiled softly at them. "And thank you for caring about me." She added. The two looked up at Danielle then each other. Instead, this time they both have a faint smile on their faces.

"Anything for you, poodle."

"Hey! You stole the spotlight!"

Haerin rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Danielle's body and gave her a warm hug. Soon, the others came over too and they all stayed in one warm embrace.

"Next time I'll win, Hanni."

"Whatever you say."

They all laugh at the two. Danielle feels like she's the happiest person right now in the world. She never would've thought that her life would turn out to be so peaceful and filled with happiness. She just wishes that this is not a dream and even if it is a dream, she hope this dream would never end.


"Well we have to go now, we just wanted to say hi but it turned into a battle." Said Minji. I just rolled my eyes at her as she grabs my hands and the three of us; Minji, me, and Hyein exit their mansion. We looker back to see them waving at us warmly before Haerin pulls Danielle in to give her a kiss.

Ugh! Seriously these two are so lovebirds! "So.. what do you guys think of miss Kang Haerin?" Asked Hyein. "Why are you calling her miss Kang Haerin? This isn't you at all, Hyein." Response Minji. "Well she is the heir of the Kang family after all and she's older. So I figured it'll just be right." Replied Hyein.

"From what I've seen, she seems to genuinely love Danielle. I just hope she won't fuck up and hurt Danielle in any way." I said as my fist subconsciously tightened. "You shouldn't worry too much. I'm sure Danielle will be fine with Haerin." Minji comforted me before bringing me in for a kiss.

"Gross. Whats with couples and eating each other's face out!?" Hyein yelled as she fake gagged but it didn't stop us. I could feel her looking disgusted at the sight but she's always like that. Always single and lonely.

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